gre argument 177题目:
The following is a letter that recently appeared in the Oak City Gazette, a local newspaper.
"Membership in Oak City's Civic Club—a club whose primary objective is to discuss local issues—should continue to be restricted to people who live in Oak City. People who work in Oak City but who live elsewhere cannot truly understand the business and politics of the city(1). It is important to restrict membership to city residents because only residents pay city taxes(2) and therefore only residents understand how the money could best be used to improve the city. At any rate, restricting membership in this way is unlikely to disappoint many of the nonresidents employed in Oak City, since neighboring Elm City's Civic Club(3) has always had an open membership policy, and only twenty-five nonresidents(4,5) have joined Elm City's Club in the last ten years."
1. The assumption that residents necessarily understand the business and politics of the city better than nonresidents is unwarranted.
2. Paying city taxes is neither sufficient nor necessary for one to fully understand local economical and political issues.
3. The two cities might not be comparable at many aspects.
4. We do not know what percentage of Elm City’s Civic Club members, and what percentage of Elm City’s citizens do the 25 nonresident members make up.
5.We should not simply exclude nonresident members merely because they are minority. The 25 nonresidents at Elm City’s civic club might have great contributions to Elm City’s business and economy.
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