本文例举了一些GRE Argument题型的题目的提纲,希望通过这些范例,帮助大家在平时自己复习过程中也学着列作文提纲。
gre argument 50题目:
From a draft textbook manuscript submitted to a publisher.
"As Earth was being formed out of the collision of space rocks(1), the heat from those collisions and from the increasing gravitational energy of the planet made the entire planet molten, even the surface. Any water present would have evaporated(2) and gone off into space. As the planet approached its current size, however, its gravitation became strong enough to hold gases and water vapor around it as an atmosphere. Because comets are largely ice made up of frozen water and gases, a comet striking Earth then would have vaporized. The resulting water vapor would have been retained in the atmosphere(4), eventually falling as rain on the cooled and solidified surface of Earth(5). Therefore, the water in Earth's oceans(3) must have originated from comets(6)."
(1)The assumption that the Earth was formed out of the collision of space rocks is open to doubt.
(2)The assumption that all of the original water evaporated is unwarranted.
(3)The author falsely assumes that there were sufficient amount of comets striking the earth at the critical stage of ocean formation.
(4)The author’s assumptions that the Earth's surface had already cooled and solidified when strikes by comets occurred, and that the heat generated during the striking was enough for all the comets to vaporize are unwarranted.
(5)No evidence could ensure that ice contained in comets could have formed the water in Earth’s oceans, it may also evaporated, or diffused in the space.
(6)The author fails to take into account other possible explanation for the origination of ocean water.
无论是GRE Issue还是GRE Argument,考生都应该养成写提纲的习惯。这种提纲式的GRE写作练习可以帮助考生锻炼写作的逻辑性。
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