GRE Argument48提纲分析汇总

所属专题:GRE作文  来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 大家在复习GRE作文考试的时候,千万不能忽略提纲的重要性,大家在考场上或者平时的练习中,都可以利用列提纲的方式整理自己的作文思路、提升作文的逻辑性,本文例举了一些GRE Argument题型的题目的提纲。

本文例举了一些GRE Argument题型的题目的提纲,希望通过这些范例,帮助大家在平时自己复习过程中也学着列作文提纲。



gre argument 48题目:

The following appeared in a newspaper article published in the country of Corpora.

"Twenty years ago, one half of all citizens in Corpora met the standards for adequate physical fitness as then defined by the national advisory board on physical fitness. Today, the board says that only one quarter of all citizens are adequately fit(1) and suggests that spending too much time using computers may be the reason. But since overall fitness levels are highest in regions of Corpora(2) where levels of computer ownership are also highest(3), it is clear that using computers has not made citizens less physically fit. Instead, as shown by this year's unusually low expenditures on fitness-related products and services(4), the recent decline in the economy is most likely the cause(5), and fitness levels will improve when the economy does(6)."


(1)The standard for fitness may vary during past 20 years.

(2)Although the regions mentioned by the author have relatively highest fitness levels, it is still possible that their fitness levels are declining compared with themselves.

(3)High levels of computer ownership do not indicate that citizens of these regions will spend more time on using computers.

(4)The low expenditures on fitness-related products and services may not directly result in low level of fitness.

(5)The low expenditures on fitness-related products do not necessarily resulted from the decline in the economy.

(6)The author fails to convince us that once the economy improves, people will spend more money on fitness-related products and services, and their fitness levels will therefore be improved.


无论是GRE Issue还是GRE Argument,考生都应该养成写提纲的习惯。这种提纲式的GRE写作练习可以帮助考生锻炼写作的逻辑性。




