GRE Argument20提纲分析汇总

所属专题:GRE作文  来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 大家在复习GRE作文考试的时候,千万不能忽略提纲的重要性,大家在考场上或者平时的练习中,都可以利用列提纲的方式整理自己的作文思路、提升作文的逻辑性,本文例举了一些GRE Argument题型的题目的提纲。

本文例举了一些GRE Argument题型的题目的提纲,希望通过这些范例,帮助大家在平时自己复习过程中也学着列作文提纲。




The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette.

"The population of Balmer Island increases to 100,000 during the summer months. To reduce the number of accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians(4), the town council of Balmer Island should limit the number of mopeds rented by each of the island's six moped and bicycle rental companies(5) from 50 per day to 30 per day(6) during the summer season(7). By limiting the number of rentals, the town council is sure to attain the 50 percent reduction in moped accidents(1,4) that was achieved last year in the neighboring island of Torseau(3), when Torseau's town council enforced similar limits on moped rentals(2)."


(1)The author assumes that all other conditions in Balmer that might affect the rate of moped-pedestrian accidents will remain unchanged after the re­strictions are enacted.

(2)The author fails to consider other possible explanations for the 50% decline in Torseau's moped accident rate last year.

(3)Balmer Island and Torseau may not be comparable.

(4)The author provides no evidence that the same restrictions that served to reduce the incidence of all "moped accidents" by 50% would also serve to reduce the incidence of accidents involving "mopeds and pedestrians" by 50%.

(5)We do not know what percentage of mopeds in Balmer Island is rented by the six companies.

(6)The author fails to provide accurate data about the current number of mopeds rented by the six companies per day.

(7)The proposed regulation may not be necessary for the author’s purpose.


无论是GRE Issue还是GRE Argument,考生都应该养成写提纲的习惯。这种提纲式的GREe写作练习可以帮助考生锻炼写作的逻辑性。




