下面针对GRE Issue写作的提纲思路与分析进行说明,大家认真复习。
【题目】The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority.
1. 在社会领域,适度的质疑揭露社会问题并且让人们团结起来去改变现状从而使社会进步。比如人们对殖民地统治的质疑,使得华盛顿,甘地在人民的支持下进行变革带领人们获得自由,如果人民都是顺民,光凭他们个人的力量美国和印度可能仍然是英国的殖民地。
2. 在学科领域,适度的质疑权威有利于推动科学水平的提高进而推动社会的发展。比如日心说,进化论,相对论在当时都与宗教权威或人们的信仰相抵触,但是不可否认,今天来看它们的确在人类社会的进步上起了巨大的推动作用。
3. 但是我们必须承认的是过度的质疑权威对于社会是有害处的,有可能造成社会的动荡,经济的倒退。
The current unrest began last month after two young people were accidentally killed at an electric power station. They were apparently hiding from police. The two were of North African ancestry. Their deaths incited riots in communities with large African and Arab populations.
The violence intensified and spread from Paris to other parts of France on the eleventh night. Riots were reported in many areas, including Toulouse, Cannes, Nice, and Strasbourg -- the headquarters of the European Parliament. More than five thousand vehicles have been burned since the unrest began. One man beaten by rioters has died. Police have arrested more than two thousand people.
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