
所属专题:雅思口语考试  来源:    要点:雅思口语  
编辑点评: 2013年3月第二场雅思考试已经结束。大家期盼中的雅思口语机经和解析也新鲜出炉啦。看看各个考区雅思口语考试第一部分的话题是什么吧。各位雅思考生围观啦。

An important occasion when you were late(墨尔本、青岛、合肥、长沙 1月新题)
You should say:
Describe an important occasion when you were late.
when this happened
what occasion you were late for
why you were late (Or, how you explained your lateness)
and explain the result of your being late
Part Three
What are the differences of the attitudes towards being late between the young and the old?
Is there any difference of the attitudes towards being late among different countries?

Your plan in the future(not for study and work)(北京、上海、墨尔本、成都)
Describe your plan in the future(not for study and work)
You should say
What you plan to do
The first thing you will do
How you plan to achieve it
And explain why you like to do it
Part 3
How do you make day-to-day plans?
How do people make career plans?
How do children and adults make plans?
What is the difference between long-term and short-term plans?
How can we make better plans?
Is it good if people don’t make plans?

A recent change in your life(北京、太原、西安 1月新题)
Describe a recent change in your life
You should say
What it is
When it happened
How it happened
Who was involved
And explain why it is so important
Part 3
Are people living in the modern world having more options than before?
Compared to the young, do the old tend to repel changes more?
Why do some older people welcome changes?
What can be done to help children with various changes in life, say, changing to a new school?
What changes would people have with their career?
What different changes would people have now compared to the past?
What different changes would the old and the young experience?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of changes?
How do changes influence children?
Would changes be more varied and faster in the modern world?
Should parents encourage children to try new things?
Should young people have frequent change of job?

A situation you ever helped someone(长沙、长春、重庆 1月新题)
Describe a situation you ever helped someone
You should say:
who you helped
what you did
how you helped her or him
and explain how you felt after you did this.
Part Three
Do you think it's important for people to help each other?
Who do you think gives people more help, one's parents or one's friends?
Are young people more willing to accept help (or, support) from their friends or from their parents?
Would you say you are a kind person? *
How can you know whether or not someone is a kind person?
Do you think children should be brought up to have a sense of kindness? (Why?/Why not?)
How do you think children could be brought up to become unselfish people?
Do you think school helps teach children to be unselfish?

A perfect holiday(天津 1月新题)
Describe a perfect trip or holiday. You should say:
Where you would go.
When you would go.
Whom you would go with.
What you are going to do.
Why you think it was perfect.
Part three
How Chinese people celebrate different holidays?
Why do people tend to go abroad to spend their holiday?
Does it cost much to travel during holidays?
What are the types of vacations Chinese people like to take?
How differently do the old and the young spend their holidays?
Why do people choose to spend their holidays travelling?
Does a luxurious trip value more than a low-budget one?
How do you define a good vacation?
What preparation should be made before a vacation?
Is it important to be well prepared before visiting a new culture?
How do Chinese spend different holidays?
Why do people like travelling abroad during holidays?
Is it beneficial to spend a holiday abroad?
Would it cost a lot to spend the holidays travelling?

A wrong decision someone made (北京、贵阳)
Describe a wrong decision someone made
You should say
What the decision was
Who made it
What the result was
And explain why you think it is wrong
Part 3
What kind of family decisions needs to be made?
Is it difficult to make family decisions?
What might be hindering the decision making in a family?
How do you make decisions?
How are decisions made in your family?
What is the difference between traditional and modern ways of making decisions?
Should children under 10 make their own decisions?
What would you do if you missed a chance to make a decision?
What kind of situations would delay your decision making?
Would strong emotions influence decision making more in good way or bad way?
Would people consult someone before making a decision?




