
所属专题:雅思考试  来源:    要点:雅思口语  
编辑点评: 四月的第2场考试,题型大致不变,考的也是备考课堂上较为常见的考题,如hometown,study,但有关艺术类话题又有回暖的趋势“describe a song that you like ” 在口试第二部分重现。

四月的第2场考试,题型大致不变,考的也是备考课堂上较为常见的考题,如hometown,study,但有关艺术类话题又有回暖的趋势“describe a song that you like ” 在口试第二部分重现,这个话题2013年一月份曾经热考过,考生们要多注意。


‘Part1 hometown mobile phone leisure time
What’s famous about your hometown?
What’s the weather like in your hometown?
Is mobile phone a very important part in people’s life?
What do you usually do in your spare time ?


Tell me about a piece of music you particularly enjoy

You should say :

What the music is and when you first heard or saw it

How you feel when you listen to it

If it is popular with other people

And explain why you particularly enjoy it

1. Where do people go to listen to music in your country?
2. How technology changed the way people listen to music?
3. Why do some people choose to learn to play a musical instrument?
4 what might be the best age to start learning to play a musical instrument?



1.How do you usually spend your evenings and with whom?

There are many different ways I spend my evenings, from hanging out with a few friends in a bar to asking my girlfriend out for a nice dinner, from surfing the Internet at home to enjoy the fellowship of my family while watching TV. Anyway, there are always things to do in evenings for me.

2.What do people today usually like to do after work?

It really depends on individual preference. Most people go straight back home after work to enjoy family in China. But there are always exceptions. I know a few people who are afraid of going back home after work. (Whisper) you know why? Their wives are very ill-tempered. They are afraid of them.


Well, the piece of music I particularly enjoy is a pop song which is sung by the Taiwanese musician, Jay Chou. The song is called dad, I am back. I heard this song when I was in high school. I’ve got deeply impressed by the music style and the theme the song tries to approach.
These are some of the lyrics that touch me.
I hear often after the war peace would arrive–/why do I see my dad always beating my mom after drinking
If I have a pair of wings, I would flee with my mother at any time secretly
Don’t hit my mother like this again! Won’t your hands hurt?
The lyrics demonstrate the hatred and pain in the son’s heart and the wish of stopping the reoccurrence of domestic violence.
Although Jay Chou was trained in classical music, Chou combines Chinese and Western music styles to produce songs that fuse R&B, rock and pop genres.
Domestic violence discussed in "Dad, I am back") received a great deal of commotion since he was the first to bring up this taboo subject in Sanskrit music which helped solidify his status as a pioneer and a unique pop singer capable of approaching serious issues.


1. Where do people go to listen to music in your country?
Well, if you are talking about concerts, people go to theaters or sometimes certain public places, such as stadium, square or something. Young people tend to go to night club to listen music with strong rhythms like rock and metal.
2. How technology changed the way people listen to music?
It is amazing how technology has changed the way people listen to music. Just ten years ago , tape players were so popular that nearly every family wanted to have one. Now we don’t use it and abandon it because of many other stylish and multi-functional electronic devices like iPod, iPad , and mp3 players

3. what might be the best age to start learning to play a musical instrument?
I’d say, as early as possible, because learning a musical instrument requires a lot of practice. When one is young, his/ her fingers are often very agile. And they are quick to learn. But when they grow older, their fingers become stiffer and they probably don’t have enough time because of their busy study or work.


Be fascinated on
Be into

The lyrics



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