
所属专题:雅思口语考试  来源:    要点:雅思口语流利度与连贯性  
编辑点评: 如何才能取得雅思高分,流利度和连贯性是雅思听力和口语的答题标准之一。做到流利度和连贯性的结合方能取到雅思高分,下面让小编为同学们介绍一下如何能使自己的语言具有流利度和连贯性。

Yeah, that sounds fine, as long as we land on time!

Yes, that’ll be fine, provided I can book the return trip once I’m there.

Anyway, the address is 24, Kithchener Street- that’s KITHENER Street…..

以上是剑桥7 test 1 Section1的部分原文,其中频繁出现了大量常见的口语连接词以及连接短语,它们所表现的逻辑关系包括了并列,转折,总结,让步,假设,强调等等。虽然每个回答的内容都不长,可是逻辑关系却都很清晰。我们发现雅思听力section1当中,无论是场景还是词汇句型的使用,甚至包括大部分问题的回答长度都与雅思口语part1的内容和要求比较符合。所以大家在筹备口语part1部分时,听力section1就能起到很好的参考作用,尤其是其中的连接成分,可以立马提高我们口语的连贯性。


Part 2中的连贯性:



Thank you calling the Tourist Line.  There are many different ways of getting round the city and we’d like to suggest some you may not have thought of….

How about a city trip by boat?  There are four main stopping points—from west to east:….

You can find the main booking office at stop A….

The first boat leaves at 8a.m. and the last one at 6.30p.m.  There are also many attractions you can visit along the river. At stop A, if you have time, you can visit the fine 16th century palace here built for the king with its beautiful formal gardens….

Stop B why don’t you visit Tower Restaurant with its wide range of refreshments?  This is a place where you can sit and enjoy the wonderful views over the old commercial and banking centre of the city.

Stop C is the area where, in the first century AD, invading soldiers crossed the river….

At furthest point of the trip, stop D, the most exciting place to visit is the new Entertainment Complex with seven- screen cinema, bowling alley and video games arcade.

Besides the boat tours, there are city buses. Two companies offer special services:….


以上是剑桥7 test2 section 2 的部分原文,这个section的场景是关于旅游的,主要是对几个景点的讲解,除了一些常见的连接词之外,我们主要关注的是一些连接整个文章的短句。这些短句起到了引导作用,把通篇很清晰,很有逻辑地连接起来。雅思听力section2的场景和形式是“social monologue”(日常生活场景的独白),场景是以旅游为主的日常生活内容,而因为主要是独白的形式,少有问答,所以在表达中就会加入比较系统的连接成分,为了能够使听众较为轻松地跟上说话人的节奏。这一点与雅思口语part2是比较接近的,因为part2通俗地讲,就是在“讲故事”,因此在part2想要拿到比较理想的分数,就一定要在规定的时间,将卡片上的内容前后连贯地讲解清楚,以便使这个“故事”进展顺利,有始有终,也就是要有“整体性”,而不是支离破碎的一些片段。因此,恰当地使用连接成分就成为了必不可少的手段。这样的话,建议考生们不妨根据情况在口语part2中借鉴一下听力section2的一些实用的连接词或短句,把故事讲得更加连贯。





