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江江老师(Jacky): 语言:英语、日语;兴趣:旅游,读书,电影 介 绍:多年国内知名培训机构一线授课经验,培养了众多高分学员。主教托福听力阅读,雅思听力阅读,SAT填空阅读,以及一些相关的英语口语课程。近年来,各 类英语讲座百场,每次讲座都能激发学员的学习兴趣和热潮。重在指明学习思路和方向,一直坚持:学习必须由内而外地学,如果内心是抵触的,迷茫的,目标不明 确的,还不如去谈场恋爱来得有教育意义! |
7.27 雅思口语考试总结
从全国反馈的信息来看,7月27日雅思口语的考题以常见的经典老题为主,考到的主要话题都是围绕:hometown, season, Internet, activity, accommodation, health, science展开。同时在贵阳考点的part3 还出现了,让人瞬间有点摸不着头脑的题: why do people take pictures? Who is more into taking pictures, male or female? Why do people take landscape pictures instead of portraitures? 但其实,同学们在临场发挥的时候,一定要学会转嫁话题,这三个问题,可以联系到Art。关于Art, 相信大家就会有很多东西可以发挥了吧!除此之外,在北京,上海,青岛,武汉和南京考点,还出现了,考官游离话题的现象。考官在考生还没有说完的情况下,直接跳入另一个话题的阐述,玩得就是心跳。下次考试,遇到这样的考官,同学们也不要太紧张,记住,雅思考官不是要听你的人生,而是,如果,他从你身上已经可以得出打分点了,那么,他的任务也就完成了。但是,从侧面也反映出,雅思考官也在打破考生死背答案的备考方式,话题游离,真正准备全面和灵活运用的人,才能过关。同学们请谨记!
8.3 雅思口语预测
Part 1
1. Let’s talk about your hometown or village, What kind of place is it?
2. What is the climate like in your hometown?
3. What is the main food in China?
4. Which type of transportation do you prefer for travelling around?
5. What’s the traffic situation like in your hometown?
6. Which do you prefer, a flat or a house?
7. Why did you choose your major?
8. Do you think English is important for China?
9. What does traditional clothing in China look like?
10. Which part of the day do you like best?
Part 2 & Part 3
1. Describe your favorite book for a story you read. Which the book is called? What it talks about? What you learn from it? Explain why this book is your favorite? |
What kind of libraries do you often go to?
What facilities are there in the library?
Where do you like to read, in the library or at home?
What are the preconditions to be classic?
What is your ideal library?
2.Describe your favorite park or a garden in China. Where it is? What you see? What you do in the park? |
Is it necessary to have your own garden?
What is the influence of parks in your life?
Please compare the advantages and disadvantages of private gardens.
What do people often grow in the garden?
What should the government do to attract more tourists?
3. Describe a TV program. What it is about? What type it is? Why you like it? |
At what age do TV program play a very important role? Why?
What kind of programs do you like?
What is the difference between the programs ten years ago and those at present?
What will the TV program be like in the future.
4. Describe a thing you made by yourself. When you made it Where you made it Why you particularly like it |
If you were a teacher, what kind of creative new things would you teach?
Is a creative mind important?
Is it more interesting to make Chinese traditional craftwork by hand than by machine?
5. Describe a popular game that children play. What is it? Where did you play it? How many people are needed? How to play it? Why do you think it is interesting? |
What is the difference between boys and girls in terms of playing games?
What is the difference between games played in the past and those played nowdays?
What age do you think is the best time to learn skills? Why?
Have you learned any new skills recently?
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