
所属专题:雅思考试  来源:    要点:雅思口语  
编辑点评: 9月21日即将参加雅思考试的同学们赶快看过来噢,江江老师为大家准备了一份权威雅思口语预测。希望能带给同学们一些帮助。



介 绍:多年国内知名培训机构一线授课经验,培养了众多高分学员。主教托福听力阅读,雅思听力阅读,SAT填空阅读,以及一些相关的英语口语课程。近年来,各 类英语讲座百场,每次讲座都能激发学员的学习兴趣和热潮。重在指明学习思路和方向,一直坚持:学习必须由内而外地学,如果内心是抵触的,迷茫的,目标不明 确的,还不如去谈场恋爱来得有教育意义!



在9月12日的全国战报来看,经典题目依然粉墨登场。比如:apartment, shopping mall, future plan, art等。还有不少同学反馈,考场中出现了考官不耐烦的现象,面无表情,说话有气无力,不怎么待见考生。这是很正常的现象。因为一天,每个考官的耳朵要被“折磨”2的N次方次,所以,疲倦的现象是人之常情,毕竟“老外”也是“人”。一旦出现这种情况,考生要注意的是,哪怕是对着一尊雕像在考试,你也要说的“有血有肉”,不然,当你看到你的分数时,你会瞬间“石化”。



A popular game that children play

  • What is it?
  • Where did you play it?
  • How many people are needed?
  • How to play it?
  • Why do you think it is interesting? 

1.What is the difference between boys and girls in terms of playing games?
2.What is the difference between games played in the past and those played nowadays?
3.Do you like to learn new skills?
4.What age do you think is the best time to learn skills? Why?
5.What is the difference between boys and girls in terms of playing games?

A historic place What is the place?

  • Where is it located?
  • What you can see there?
  • Why do you think it has historic meaning?

1.What should the government do to protect historic buildings?
2.What are the important reasons for protecting old buildings?
3.Do you think it necessary for young people to learn history? Why?
4.How to teach young people history best?
5.Why should we learn history?
6.How does history influence social development?

Something you like to own in the future

  • What is it?
  • When would you like to own it?
  • What do you use it for?
  • How will it influence your life?

1.Is wealth the only criterion to judge success? If not, what other criteria should apply? What is happiness?
2.Do you think the concept of happiness changes over time?
3.What is most important, love, wealth, or power?
4.Do you think happiness is related to money?
5.How could people know your financial status?
6.How have Chinese people’s living standards been greatly improved?

An invention before the age of computer

  • What was it?
  • What was it used for?
  • How did it influence people’s life?
  • Explain its advantages and disadvantages.

1.What impacts has electrical equipment had on human life in the past ten years?
2.What are the differences in life in the past and at present?
3.What role does technological development play in people’s lives?
4.How will technology develop in the future?
5.Why did many western countries develop faster than China?
6.In what way does the invention benefit people?
7.Which industry do you think is most promising and will have more inventions?
8.What are old people’s and young people’s attitudes towards new inventions?

Describe a change in your own life?

  • What was it?
  • What impact did it have on you?
  • How did you feel about it?
  • Explain why it was important?

1.What do you think of the main changes over the past 20 years in China?
2.What do you think of the women’s situation in China? What about women’s job and rights?
3.What changes has high-tech brought to people’s working conditions in China?
4.What’s a major social change in China?
5.What about the change in family structure?








