雅思口语Part 3最难的十道题

所属专题:雅思口语考试  来源:    要点:雅思口语例题分析  
编辑点评: 雅思口语的Part 3是难度最大的一部分,让许多考生谈之色变。因此,本文将part 3的考题分为十大类,并根据历年的考过的十道最难真题作为例子,讲解如何攻破此类考题。

{原创范例} There are a number of bad habits associated with modern people and that’s primarily the reason why health issues are gaining increasing attention among young adults among which, excessive smoking and drinking proved particularly dire. A plausible measure would be to impose a ban on the sales of cigarettes and boozes to under-aged teenagers. Another possibility would be to explicitly prohibit teenagers aged below 21 from setting foot in nightclubs and any cigarette or booze store caught in violation of the law would be seriously punished.

8. 影响效果


How have hi-tech products influenced music?

{原创范例} Unlike in the past when people are given the options of either listening to music played on radio stations or forking out a considerable sum of money to purchase tapes, the increasing popularity gained by high-tech products, among teenagers and young adults in particular, has dramatically transformed how the music is received and stored by the public. Quite a number of varieties of high-tech products have been designed to either play or store music, among which portable gadgets like ipod, mp3, mp4 and psp prove especially popular. It’s quite commonplace to see youngster riding the bus or walking in the streets with one earpiece stuck in their ear.

9. 方式方法


In what ways can teachers encourage students to focus on study?

{原创范例} Well,there is a number of ways teachers can adopt to encourage students to concentrate 100% of their efforts on academic study. A possible approach would be to resort to multi-media facilities such as overhead projector, computer terminal. My English teacher often play video clips to intrigue us because he knows full well that we can be easily bored with written words.

10. 观点询问


Which one do you think is more important, health or wealth?

{原创范例} Well, for me personally, the answer is absolutely the former.

People, particularly young adults are trading health for wealth

in ways are largely commonplace: they choose to eat out or order fast food instead of cooking at home; applying for gym membership would just be money down the drain because one would barely have the time for workout. However, it’s important to bear in mind that money wouldn’t mean a thing if one’s health is in grave jeopardy. Hence, it’s essential to prioritize health over wealth in one’s life and only in this way; efforts to make money can be justified.







