雅思考官提示 口语四点定成败

所属专题:雅思口语考试  来源:沪江留学网    要点:雅思口语  
编辑点评: 雅思口语是难倒中国考生的一个重要问题,多年的哑巴英语学习让口语考试变成了中国考生眼中的一只拦路虎。但是零基础并不意味着只能得零分,下面的四点值得大家在复习时注意。

Not really the four horsemen. The four areas in which you are marked in an IELTS test.

So I wasn't sure if people really knew how they were being marked and on what.

Often I hear people are hung up about the small things that don't really have much bearing on the final outcome.

There are four things to take into account.

1 - Fluency and Coherence.

(what you sound like overall) To get a good mark here you don't want to pause and think too much. Coherence means, can you actually be understood.

2 - Lexical Resource.

Knowing a lot of words is great but you need to be able to use them in a correct way.

Depending on what mark you are aiming for will depend on how you should do this. Keeping it simple and throwing in a few big words might be better for you than trying to use a lot of big words poorly as that will effect this part as well as possibly your Coherency too.

Of course, if you want to go beyond 6 then you will have to "go for broke".




