雅思考官提示 口语四点定成败

所属专题:雅思口语考试  来源:沪江留学网    要点:雅思口语  
编辑点评: 雅思口语是难倒中国考生的一个重要问题,多年的哑巴英语学习让口语考试变成了中国考生眼中的一只拦路虎。但是零基础并不意味着只能得零分,下面的四点值得大家在复习时注意。

3 - Grammar and accuracy.

Complex, simple sentences and using tense.

Keeping sentences simple will obviously help with the coherence factor, hopefully but hinder you here.

Ask yourself. Can you talk about the past and future easily and being that you all probably spent hours in class learning grammar you can use your learnt knowledge to give you higher marks. You will always get questions based on the past and future so don't worry about thinking when you should put them in. Also remember your Hes and Shes, Ss, ings and eds etc.

4 - Pronunciation.

How you say it. The noise coming out of your "pie hole" (mouth).

Please note that accent is not mentioned here. This is about your diction, the way you say it, so if you are having trouble with pronunciation, slow it down and pronounce every word precisely and as you get better speed it back up so your fluency isn't penalized.




