所属专题:雅思口语考试  来源:    要点:雅思口语  
编辑点评: 很多同学在口语考试中都会很紧张,从而发挥不到理想的水平。本文分析了考生在雅思口语考试时紧张的原因,帮助考生消除紧张情绪,更好地发挥自己的语言水平。

Being nervous before any kind of test is just normal. But the intensity of the feeling would depend on how much preparation and effort you exerted before the test. Prepared people have nothing to do but wait for the day of the oral test because they have already done what they needed to do. Knowing our level or ability in the language usage is also a factor that would affect the intensity of our feelings of nervousness. Confident people know that they are very well prepared to take the exam and they know that they have enough ability or capacity to take it. Overly fearful people would be the opposite of this.

Some students get nervous before a one on one oral exam because they are afraid of saying the wrong choice of words that would offend the examiners. These people are very much aware that they have the tendency to be tactless. They say things at the wrong place and at the wrong time.   Sometimes because of their nervousness, they tend to over say things and utter needless words that the examiner would find annoying.  Of course the students may have no bad intentions when they spoke and they were just defending their answers or themselves but they do not give good impressions. We can guess what their ratings would be.

Introvert people would surely be nervous with a one on one oral exam. They are not confident being around many people and they are most comfortable when they are alone or when they are with people who are closed to them. Because of this, their social skills may be lacking, they find it hard to interact correctly with others. When they encounter an examiner who is unpredictable, they may not know how to handle the situation or how to deal with the examiner. They would then just shut up which the examiner may interpret as being dumb.

Students who are not used to oral tests would also be nervous because of their lack of experience because they do not know yet what to expect. On the other hand, students who often undergo oral tests would already have ideas on what types of examiners they might be encountering even if they would  not really know yet what  exact questions would be asked. An applicant who is used to being interviewed in the process of looking for a job would be used to answering interview questions thus he would not feel that nervous anymore on his next interview. Of course interviewers may ask similar questions but no one is exactly alike. Bottom line is that the interviewee gets the experience of undergoing interviews under different kinds of people.

If you ask me, I am also concerned about the character of the examiners. Some examiners are very understanding, sympathetic and compassionate. They understand the state of the examinee, thus they would ask reasonable but challenging questions and give their ratings considerately and fairly. But we cannot help but also have examiners that we consider to be overly strict and such terrors. They would not allow any single error and they find it hard to give high ratings. They tend to be more on the critical side. This of course can also work for the advantage of the student. If a student gets a passing grade and much more a high rating from such an examiner, then it would mean that the student is of high caliber. But sadly, there are examiners who give their ratings base on their personal biases. If they find the student cute, handsome, beautiful, charming or appealing, these examiners would give him or her higher rating regardless of the language ability or the answers given the examinee. On the other hand, some examiners would give a lower rating just because they got turned off by the physical features or hygiene of their examinees. Of course, this is not fair, but the world is often unfair.




