最新雅思口语题库话题答案Part3:a person who solved a problem in a clever way

所属专题:雅思口语考试  来源:    要点:雅思口语  
编辑点评: 本文口语话题Part3范文:Describe a person who solved a problem in a clever way,共有4题参考答案。范文内容描述详尽,用语非常地道,因此篇幅有点长,大家择要摘取观点即可。

9-12月的雅思口语题库Part3部分话题范文已更新,各路烤鸭速速来收藏,与口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。本文话题:一个聪明的人(a clever person),更多精彩内容小编正疯狂整理中,尽情期待。此范文仅作参考,唯一的王道在于勤加练习,攒足了勇气值,攒足了训练量,口语必高分。加油。

示例范文:Describe a person who solved a problem in a clever way
1. Do you think the intelligence of a person is important? 你认为一个人的智商重要吗?
Oh yeah, I would even say it's vital for living a happy and successful life as it is intelligence that makes people flexible and adaptable, which lets them thrive in different settings. It also makes people's lives more diverse as thanks to it people become open to new ideas and opportunities and get the ability to see various ways of solving a problem, which in turn gays off in terms of income and professional success. One more benefit of being intelligent is being attractive for other intelligent people, which results in expanding the social network and range of interests, and again adds to feeling happy and content with life.
2. Are people born clever or need to learn to be clever? 人是天生聪明还是需要学着变聪明?
Well, I believe the latter is true as I am sure that intelligence is largely based on people's upbringing rather than inherited traits. There is no doubt that children are born with some genetic predispositions but the brain is a physical organ, and like other organs and muscles in the body it can be trained to be fitter and more efficient, which proves that intelligence is something malleable that changes over time and can grow especially through hard work and constant practice.
3. Do you think there is anything that intelligent people find difficult to do? 你认为聪明的人会遇到哪些困难?
I don't think there is something that can become a real obstacle for smart people if they are really interested in doing it and ready to work hard and have constant practice. Intelligent people usually like challenges and difficulties as they let them push the limits of their brain, concentrate on the knowledge they lack and do their best to bridge the skills gag, which, as a result, makes them better, stronger and more satisfied with life. These are the main reasons why I there is nothing that can't be done achieved by thrilled clever people.
4. What ways do people use to judge someone's intelligence? 人们从哪些方面评判一个人的智商?
Well, intelligence can be measured in a number of different ways, as I know, the most common of which is various 1Q tests. I also heard about psychometric and aptitude tests focusing on the abilities required for a specific job and mainly used in higher education, recruitment and career-counselling. As far as methods used in everyday communication are concerned, I would name discussions on different topics and informal inferences or intuitive judgments which are usually made people even after short interaction




