2018年雅思口语新题part1预测配范文:Training 变题不慌!

所属专题:雅思口语考试  来源:    要点:雅思口语  
编辑点评: 12月了,又到了雅思er们喜闻乐见的考试间歇期了。考官们都赶着回去过他们的圣诞跨年了,可苦逼的我们还在为即将到来的雅思口语变题月而惴惴不安。不过呢,深谙变题规律的小编,自然是急人所急以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势,弄出了这份最新的必考口语话题预测,本文话题:training培训。

当当当当,2018最新的雅思口语题目预测,最火热的口语高分答案。虽然常常受到冷待,但是在雅思考官的心目中,part1可是意义重大哟, 本文话题:Training(培训),共4个题目配范文!注意题目之间的答案是相对独立的。烤鸭,加油!

1.Have you ever taken any training?
i didnt take any traning lesson except a swimming lesson when i was 10.
2.what skills have you learned?
i have learned the basic cooking skills in a cooking course by the instructions of a charming chef last year, and also have grasped a bit of how to raise a stray cat in a pet center. You know, there are so many good kind cat or dog people there and their lessons are wonderful!
3.what skills do you want to learn?
I seriously want to learn some social skills, how to blend in a group, how to break the ice, how to pick some girls up politely.So basically, all the great weaknesses for an introvert, i want to overcome them all!
4.How do you feel about it?
i think that training can help people to improve the particular skills in a short time and with a high efficiency,but a low quality of groundwork.
physical training
job training
He received training in first aid.
a young doctor who's still in training
Metrixware Education Services provides training services designed to fit your unique schedule and technical requirements.All of our trainers are highly skilled consultant on technologies presented in our training.
We delivers customer (on-site) Dedicated Training, based on a class size of eight students. Client will provide an adequate classroom equipped with appropriate materials, a whiteboard or flipchart and a PC for each or for 2 students with appropriate software installed.
Cost-effective solution that facilitates the transition from the classroom to the workplace. Our training experts adapt Metrixware’s course material to your unique goals, data, and work environment. Customized hands-on exercises teach participants how to access and work with their own data.
We can provide an on-site mentor to assist students, reinforce concepts, and provide focused guidance as they begin to use Metrixware’s product.
Experience a privileged and extraordian moment. Share avaec Vanessa Godet and her 20 years of passion and love for the world of sailing.
This training is above all:
The discovery of a rich sport within spectacular surroundings
The improvement of navigation techniques
The thrills you will get from the many sailing offers
Your training will include:
All sail and engine maneuvers
Driving under sail of the trimaran
The notions of security
Daytime and night navigation
The whole navigation is done on the NEEL Trimaran of 45 feet. The duration of the internships varies from 3 to 14 days depending on the type of course, dates and destinations. We can accommodate up to 6 trainees.




