Do you spend a lot of time in graveyards? Did most of your friends die before you were born? If so, then you might be poised to write a fantastic thanatopsis. From the Greek thantos meaning "death" and-opsis meaning "a view," a thanatopsis is a written contemplation of death, often in the form of a poem.
你在墓地溜达过吗?在你还没出生之前你的朋友是不是都已经去世了?如果是的话,你就可以写一下你的死亡观了。这个词源自希腊语“ thantos”意思是:死亡。” -opsis ”的意思是,你的看法,” thanatopsis “的意思就是写下你对于死亡的观念。经常以诗歌的形式出现。