In Christian tradition, perdition is the state of final spiritual ruin or eternal damnation to which the wicked are condemned. In other words, it's a way scarier word for hell. The term is derived from the Latin perdere meaning "to lose" or "to ruin." So hold on to your souls, our next word might scare you right out of your skin.
在基督教徒的习惯里,这个词往往用来形容邪恶被召唤时灵魂毁灭的最后阶段和无尽的诅咒。是是一个形容地狱的可怕词汇。这个词从拉丁词” perdere”演变而来,意思是:失去和毁灭。先别怕,下一个词可能会把你吓的灵魂出窍。