When a visit from a ghost sends shivers down your spine, or when a brush with a vampire gives you goose bumps, what are you feeling? Trepidation, of course. Trepidation refers to an experience of fear or alarm that often results in trembling or quivering. The word is derived from two Latin stemstrepidare meaning "to tremble, hurry" and trepidus meaning "alarmed" or "scared." If you plan on feeling trepidation this Halloween, our next word might give you a reason.
当有鬼怪降临的时候你一定会吓的脊背发凉,与吸血鬼插身而过也会让你掉一地鸡皮疙瘩。这是你的反应是什么?用一个很好的词可以形容:Trepidation。Trepidation是指可怕,惊恐的经历所导致的颤抖和战栗。这个词从两个拉丁词发展而来: stemstrepidare ,trepidus 它们的意思分别是:战栗,慌忙和可怕,惊恐。如果你想在这个万圣节感受一下什么叫Trepidation,下一个词会给你一个很好的理由。