We've all heard the word werewolf, but the wolf community much prefers the term lycanthrope. Derived from the Greek lykanthropos meaning "wolf-man,"lycanthrope is defined as "a werewolf or alien spirit in the physical form of a bloodthirsty wolf." Though the word is used primarily in the occult, there is an actual psychiatric condition called lycanthropy, in which a person believes that he or she is a wolf.
提到狼人我们也许会想到werewolf这个词,但是狼圈的人很喜欢称狼人为” lycanthrope.”这个词源自希腊语” lykanthropos”,它的意思就是狼人。狼人是指一个凶狠的灵魂被困在嗜血如命的恶狼体内。尽管这个词主要出现在超自然学中,但是在神经学上确实有一种情况被称之为变狼狂。变狼狂们会认为自己就是一条狼.