Big Foot, sometimes called Sasquatch, is a large, hairy apish creature who wanders through the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest and Canada. This elusive giant is often hunted, but never caught. He gets his name from what his pursuers have gleaned about his form from the giant footprints he leaves behind. Perhaps one day these imprints will lead us to the genuine article.大脚怪有时也被称之为萨斯科奇人,他是一个巨大的,浑身是毛的愚蠢生物。他常常漫步于加拿大西北部靠近太平洋的广阔荒地里。很多人都去寻找过这些怪物,但是从来没有人找到过。他之所以被称之为大脚怪,是因为它的追寻者根据他留下的巨大脚印推测出他庞大的体型。也许将来的某一天,这些脚印会带领我们找到这些巨大的生物。