词汇天天练:Members of the Family

 来源:    要点:英语词汇  
编辑点评: 词汇的学习没有捷径也不可能突击完成,慢慢跟着沪江一起打好基础吧!


When you have children, you are a parent.   当你有了孩子,你就是家长。

If you are a male parent, you are a father.   如果你是男性,你就是父亲。

If you are female parent, you are a mother.   如果你是女性,就是母亲。

If one of your children is a boy, he is your son.   如果你的孩子中有一个是男孩,他就是你儿子。

If one of your children is a girl, she is your daughter.   如果你的孩子中有一个是女孩,他就是你女儿。

When a couple gets married, the man is the husband, and the woman is his wife.   一对夫妇结了婚,男人就是丈夫,女人就是他的妻子。

A brother and sister both have the same parents.   哥哥/弟弟和姐姐/妹妹同父同母。

One collective word to describe bro thers and sisters is siblings. However this word is normally only used in written English, not orally.


Relatives and Extended Family   亲属和远房亲戚

grandparents: the parents of your parents   祖父母:父母的父母

grandfather: the father of your father/mother   祖父:父亲/母亲的爸爸

grandmother: the mother of your father/mother   祖母:父亲/母亲的妈妈

grandchildren: the children of your children   孙子孙女:你孩子的孩子

grandson: the son of one of your children   孙子:你孩子的儿子

granddaughter:the daughter of one of your children   孙女:你孩子的女儿

great grandfather: the father of your grandfather/grandmother   曾祖父:祖父/祖母的父亲

great grandmother: the mother of your grandfather/grandmother   曾祖母:祖父/祖母的母亲

uncle: the brother (or brother-in-law) of your mother/father   叔叔:你母亲/父亲的兄弟

aunt: the sister (or sister-in-law)of your mother/father   阿姨:母亲/父亲的姐妹

cousin: the child of your aunt/uncle   堂兄弟姐妹/表兄弟姐妹:你叔叔/阿姨的孩子

nephew: the male child of your brother/sister   侄子/外甥:你兄弟/姐妹的儿子

niece: the female child of your brother/sister   侄女/外甥女:你兄弟/姐妹的女儿

The In-Laws    亲家
The in-laws are the members of the family of your spouse (the person you are married to) or via a marriage in your family:


father-in-law: the father of your spouse   公公/岳父:你配偶的父亲

mother-in-law: the mother of your spouse   婆婆/岳母:你配偶的母亲

son-in-law: the husband of your daughter   女婿:你女儿的丈夫

daughter-in-law: the wife of your son   儿媳:你儿子的妻子

brother-in-law: the husband of your sister   姐夫/妹夫:你姐姐/妹妹的丈夫

sister-in-law: the wife of your brother   嫂子/弟媳:你哥哥/弟弟的妻子

Note: To refer to more than one brother-in-law or sister-in-law etc. we has an S to the brother/sister part.


The Family Mix   组合家庭

Nowadays in many countries a person can get married more than once. These are the terms used to describe the "new" members of the family when someone gets remarried.


"Step-" means that you are related as a result of one parent marrying again


stepfather: the (new) husband of your mother but not your biological father


stepmother: the (new) wife of your father but not your biological mother


stepson: the son of your (new) husband / wife (he is not your biological son)


stepdaughter: the daughter of your (new) husband / wife (she is not your biological daughter)


stepsister: the daughter of your stepmother or stepfather

继姐; 继妹:继母或继父的女儿

stepbrother: the son of your stepmother or stepfather

继兄; 继弟:继母或继父的儿子

Sometimes one of your parents gets married again and they have more children. There


half-brother: the brother you have only one parent in common with .


half-sister: the sister you only have one parent in common with.




