
所属专题:雅思写作  来源:    要点:雅思写作真题回顾  
编辑点评: 真题一直是雅思考试取胜的不二法宝,留学小编给大家搜集了一大批真题。今天就一起来看一看2012年5月10日雅思考试的写作真题吧,还有详细的解析哦。


Task 1:Line graph

The line graph illustrate the birth rate of 6 different groups in UK from 1983 to 2008

1983年到2008年,英国六个不同年龄组的人口出生率(birth rate)的变化情况。

点评:本题是典型的线状图,其中较为特殊的是涉及到了6条线,这样的题目在过去的雅思写作考试中是没有出现过的,应对多线题,考生一定要找到正确的写作顺序,对于多线中的趋势相同的线也一定要写明。线图写作的考察点在于:首先,线图的变化趋势必须要在body paragraph(s)中彰显突出,换言之,就是线的“上升、下降、稳定,持平”趋势论述,以及“极值”的呈现(在主体段落中必须要进行具体数据客观解析);其次,在具体写作的过程中,切忌词语的误用,for instance,“apogee”[ˈæpədʒi:]这个词的意思为“顶点;最高点”,但这个词语在剑桥词典中的解释为”the most successful, popular or powerful point”---“最成功、最受欢迎或最强有力的一点”,所以如果想要表达“登顶”这个概念时,不可写成“reach the apogee”,“apogee”这个单词固然好,但却不可以用来对具体数据描述,词语的complexity固然重要,但如若只学到皮毛就去使用,不但不会令文章锦上添花,反倒产生了“画猫不成反类犬”的效果,建议使用“peak”(既可用作动词,又可用作名词);再次,注意一下本题目中关于“年龄组”的英文呈现方式,先给出几个替换表达以飨读者,比如中文“30-50年龄组”,具体英文可写作 “the 30 to 50 cohort”, “the 30 to 50 age category”or ”the 30 to 50 age group”,也可以使用”the former group”或”the latter cohort”这样的表达方式。


increase; decrease; stabilize; rise and fall; peak; bottom; in contrast

Task 2:

Today, consumers are facing an increasing amount of advertising from competing campaigns. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisement? What measures can be taken to protect them?

点评: 本次考试涉及到的是广告话题,这个话题是比较旧的话题。对于这个话题,大多数的同学都做过相对应的准备,本题中需要注意的是问题的问法,其中To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisement? 属于说明文的问法,考生需要对于可能的正面积极影响和负面消极影响论述。



1. Some people commit crime again after they release from the prison, what are the main factors and what are the possible solutions?犯罪类

2. Some people believe that it is good for some old people to use mobile phone, especially in some emergency. While others believe it may bring some negative effect to them, to what extend do you agree or disagree?老龄化

3. The problem of obesity has be found in some areas, what are the main factors and what are the possible solutions? 青少年

4. In some countries, the percentage of young women commit crime has increased a lot, what are the main factors and what are the possible solutions?犯罪类

5. Long distance flight consumes natural resources and pollutes the air. Some people think it should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

6. Some people believe that the age of retirement should be fixed, while others believe that should be flexible. They can decide their retirement age in some degree, discuss the both sides and give your own opinion. 老龄化

7. Some people believe government should promote the healthy lifestyle. While others believe the money should be spent on meeting the basic need for citizens. To what extend do you agree or disagree?政府

8. In some countries, the prison became too crowded, what are the main factors and what are the possible solutions? 犯罪类

9. Some people think that the range of technology available to individuals makes the increasing of gaps between rich people and poor people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 全球化

10. In modern society, some people are undertaking too much Stress .what are the main factors and what are the possible solutions? 社会压力

11. some students are spending more and more time on computer games and televisions . what are the possible reasons and what are the possible effects?青少年




