The following diagraph shows the structure of……
The picture demonstrates/illustrates……
It mainly consists of……
It works as follows.
It involves following steps.
The whole procedure can be divided into…stages.
1. The process starts from +( 名词or 动名词)
2. At the first stage , + 句子
3. At the beginning of the circle, +句子
4. During the initial phrase, + 句子
5. The beginning of the whole circle is marked by ( 名词+ 动名词)
6. (名词or 动名词)is the first step in (+名词or 动名词)
1)The second stage is (+名词or 动名词)
2)The next stop in the process is (+名词or 动名词)
1. (名词or 动名词)is the last step in the procedure.
2. The final phase in the procedure is about +(名词or 动名词)
3. In the final phase ,+ 句子
4. Entering the final stage ,+句子
5. (名词or 动名词) is the final stage.
In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of young people who decide to to this.
点评:此文和剑5 Test 2上提供的范文一模一样,属教育类。教育类的考题出镜率一直居高不下。因此,烤鸭们在备考时绝对不容小觑,本文可采用对称式的写法来展开,下面就本题提供参考思路。
第1句:近年来关于高中生毕业之后是选择工作或旅行一年还是直接进入大学这一问题引起了人们很大的争论(spark heated controversy)
第3句:本文的目的在于探讨该举的利与弊(explore its pros and cons)。
第1句:there are numerous advantages of stepping into the society for one year before advanced study.
第2-5句:To begin with, 毕业生选择旅行能够开阔他们的视野,了解世界各地不同的自然景观和人文景观,提高他们对生态环境的保护意识以及文化包容度,这对于他们返校之后对于专业的理解和认识会更深。同时,学习的使命感也更大。(2句:Touring for one year enables newly graduates to gain a broader perspective towards the world.3句:Stricken by the magnificent natural and human landscape,these young adults will attain higher levels of environmental awareness and world peace consciousness. 4句:As the further they explore the natural world and diverse cultures, the deeper understanding these youth will earn towards our mother nature and exotic ethnicities.5句:By the time they return to the classroom,the sense of mission becomes so strong that their appreciation and comprehension of the major will far-outweigh their peers.)
第6-9句:As a further illustration,毕业生选择工作为他们积累了宝贵的工作经验,同时也为他们赢得暂时上的经济独立,更重要的是工作能够帮助他们更好地规划自己未来的职业生涯。相对于同龄人而言,他们因为能够体会工作的艰辛从而珍惜求学机会的来之不易;因为亲身经历职场从而能更清醒地认识到市场的需求;因为经历了工作时的酸甜苦辣从而知道自己的优势和劣势领域。回到学校之后,他们能够更加有针对性的学习自己在职场上所缺失的技巧和知识。(6句:Entering the job market means the outset of their working-experience accumulation,temporary economic independence and sounder career planning.7句:To be more exact,these young people will go through all kinds of tribulations and hardships that they will never encounter on campus.8句:This,in return, informs them of the skills and techniques required by the working sphere as well as their own specific strengths and weaknesses.9句:In this circumstance,rejoining the campus does not only mean earn a university degree,but further enhancing their employability and marketability.)
第1句:Accordingly,there also exists some drawbacks which we may not neglect.的美女编辑们
第2-3句:To start with, 毕业生们由于缺乏涉世经验而容易受浮华世界的诱惑继而无心求学。(2句:High school graduates may be tempted by material richness of the mundane world that they will be distracted from their normal study.3句:Furthermore, they may become so pragmatic and practical that myriads of campus enjoyments and freshness will be deprived from them.)
第4句:毕业生由于在学校压抑过久以及心智不成熟,马上步入社会有可能会上当受骗或者由于自律能力不强而误入歧途(In addition, teenagers may be depressed for so long a time that hasty entry into the society will result in their unbridled behaviour and some of the extremists may go so far as to commit crimes and betray the law.)
第1句:综合以上观点,指出高中毕业生花一年时间旅游或积累经验既有好处又有坏处。(To conclude, walking into the society either in the forms of traveling or working bears boons and banes.)
第2句:正确的做法是在好处与坏处之间取得一个平衡。( What we need to do is to strike a delicate balance between its advantages and disadvantages.)
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