15天搞定雅思写作 Task 1 -Day 6 Bar Chart Exercise

所属专题:雅思考试  来源:    要点:雅思写作攻略  
编辑点评: 15天搞定雅思写作不是梦,跟着沪江坚持15天,一起见证奇迹吧!


本篇文章将讲解雅思写作中出现的与比较相关的表达。采用一个bar chart作为实例,但是所用技巧同样适合其他图表类型。



The chart shows the percentage of drugs taken by girls and boys in a school in New Zealand.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

Model Answer:

The bar chart illustrates information on the quantity of drugs school children in New Zealand take, divided by gender and measured in percentages. Overall, it is immediately apparent that hashish or marijuana is used more than any of the other drugs, whereas LSD is used the least. At first glance we can see that boys take more drugs than girls for 6 out of 7 of the drugs listed, however an equal number of boys and girls take cocaine.

To begin with, boys use more hashish or marijuana than girls at around 33% and 29% respectively. Following this, boys take heroin, opium or morphine at approximately 8%, but girls 10. at only 5%.

On the other hand, the numbers for amphetamines and solvents are similar for both boys and girls at 2% and 3% for girls and 4% for both drugs for boys. Next, the pattern for LSD and medical drugs is exactly the same for both genders at 1% for girls and 3% for boys. Finally, boys and girls take cocaine at the same level, 4%.

Being well-organised

雅思写作需要条理清晰且有逻辑。在阐述几个不同现象或想法时,可以用first,second,third或on the one hand,on the other hand等词连接不同的段落或句子。文中的句子就用了几个词连接,显得条理更为清晰,大家来体会一下:

To begin with, boys use more hashish or marijuana than girls at around 33% and 29% respectively. Following this, boys take heroin, opium or morphine at approximately 8%, but girls at only 5%.

On the other hand, the numbers for amphetamines and solvents are similar for both boys and girls at 2% and 3% for girls and 4% for both drugs for boys. Next, the pattern for LSD and medical drugs is exactly the same for both genders at 1% for girls and 3% for boys. Finally, boys and girls take cocaine 15. at the same level, 4%.

Comparative expressions




the same as/similar/at the same level

no more… than…不比……多/ no less… than… 不如 ……

prior to/inferior to 

the largest/biggest proportion of

the second/next largest/expensive(+ 形容词的最高级)

followed closely by

the smallest percent of all


上期文章:15天搞定雅思写作 Task 1 -Day 5 Describing Graph Trends

下期文章:15天搞定雅思写作 Task 1 -Day 7 Line Graph Worksheet






  • 雅思写作:备考的六个关键点




