Sample course offerings include
E29.2002 Teaching Second Languages: Theory and Practice
E29.2201 The Second Language Classroom
E29.2205 Structure of American English
E29.2003 Linguistic Analysis
E29.2060 Language Evaluation and Assessment
The program emphasizes study in the following areas:
Second language teaching methodologies
Teaching of the language skills
Content area education for ESL students
ESL/EFL materials development and curriculum design
Language teacher education
Language teacher observation and supervision
Second language acquisition
Second language assessment
Classroom interaction
Second language teaching and literacy
Language program evaluation
Technology and language teaching and learning
EDUC 525 Fieldwork in Language in Education
EDUC 527 Approaches to Teaching English and Other Modern Languages
EDUC 537 Educational Linguistics
EDUC 546 Sociolinguistics in Education
EDUC 563 Internship, Seminar, Thesis: TESOL
EDUC 661 Language Diversity and Education
EDUC 670 Second Language Acquisition
EDUC 675 Structure of English