在新托福口语考试中,要求考生的答案要清晰(clear)和连贯(coherent)。在紧张的、有严格时间限制的考试过程中要做到这两个要求,一个最为行之有效的方法便是使用逻辑感非常强烈的句型。本文将主要针对新托福口语Task3, 通过一些常见真题来探讨一下最能体现逻辑感的四大状语从句(即时间,原因,条件,让步)在考试当中的运用,从而帮助考生们有效展现清晰和连贯的语言能力。
1 时间状语从句 【adverbial clause of time】:
Ø 常用引导词:When, while, as, after, before, as soon as, since, till
2 原因状语从句 【adverbial clause of cause】:
Ø 常用引导词:because, since, as, for
Ø 特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that
3 条件状语从句 【adverbial clause of condition】
Ø 常用引导词:if, unless,
Ø 特殊引导词:as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, supposing that, in case that, on condition that
4 让步状语从句 【adverbial clause of concession】
Ø 常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though
Ø 特殊引导词: as(用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while(一般用在句首),no matter …, in spite of the fact that, while, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever
二.Task 3真题示范讲解
Ø 题目简介:
Reading part | Listening part |
增加fine art course | 学校要求必修3个艺术课,:音乐舞蹈表演雕塑,男的不同意。 |
理由: | 理由: |
work requires various ability, | 学生失去了更多自由选课机会 |
good for work. | 不能选更多和专业相关的课他学banking, 要上finance的课 |
help students relax. | 不是每个人都对艺术有天分 喜欢上这些课,他根本不enjoy雕塑,浪费,stressful |
Ø 回答演示1:
From the reading material, we know that the college is going to add music, dance and sculpture as compulsory courses. the man in the conversation thinks that this is a bad idea. First, he majors in banking and has to take finance class,he has to take the fine art courses, and he would lose some opportunities to choose the courses that he needs. Also, he points out that he doesn’t enjoy sculpture at all, it would help students relax, not everyone has the talent about arts. He has to take these courses, it will be a waste of time and make him stressful.
Ø 答案解析:
新托福口语part3中,通常需要考生将主要人物的态度以及两个理由清楚地表达出来,我们可以看到在这个范例中,虽然考生将reading part和listening part 中重要信息都涵盖在答案里,而且没有出现任何明显的语法错误,但是因为缺少必要的逻辑连接词,整个表达给我们一种非常凌乱的感觉,毫无任何连贯和清晰可言。这也是很多考生之所以虽然将笔记记得非常详细,却依然拿不到理想分数的主要原因。
Ø 回答演示2:
From the reading material, we know that the college is going to add music, dance and sculpture as compulsory courses. However, the man in the conversation thinks that this is a bad idea, due to the following reasons. First, considering that he majors in banking and has to take finance class, he would lose some opportunities to choose the courses that he needs, if he had to take the fine art courses. Also, he points out that he doesn’t enjoy sculpture at all even though it would help students relax, for not everyone has the talent about arts. If he had to take these courses, it would be a waste of time and make him stressful.
Ø 答案解析:
Ø 题目简介:
Reading part | Listening part |
哲学系新举措:中午在dining hall举行table talk, 并让让教授加入午餐,为了 | 女孩很同意因为: |
education benefit | 教授平时很忙,office hour很少,这个program提供机会向教授提问和探讨课程的问题 |
network and friendship。学生们都赞成 | 她现在还不是很熟悉这些同学,可以利用table time 来交流 |
Ø 回答演示:
The school has implemented a new proposal that they are going to set up a table talk at lunch time in the dining hall, when the professor will be invited to join the lunch. And the woman holds a positive view towards the announcement for the following reasons. First, if the professor could sit with them, the program would provides a chance for the students to ask questions in order to understand the courses, because the professor is normally very busy and although they could use the office hour, it is not enough for all the students to talk to the professor. Another reason is that since she hasn’t known other students very well yet,the table talk could help to enhance the relationship among students , for it would offer a chance for students to communicate and share similar ideas and hobbies.
Reading part | Listening part |
学校将停止提供热早餐 | 女孩不同意因为: |
理由: | 热的食物寒冷的天气对身体更好 |
冷的食物更健康 | 去校园外买满意的食物更贵 |
限制早餐食物种类更省钱 |
Ø 回答演示:
The school has implemented a new policy that the students will be offered cold breakfast foods instead of hot ones. And the woman is totally against the announcement. The first reason she gives is that although cold foods are usually healthy, hot foods like hot cereal are sometimes even better for health , in case that it’s on cold morning. And the second one is based on the fact that the new policy will make students spend more money instead of saving money. This isbecause when the students can’t buy foods they want on campus, they’re going to get them off campus, which means they will have to pay more money to get the expensive foods.