gre argument 122题目:
The following appeared in the Pine City Gazette.
"Fifteen years ago, Pine City launched an electricity-conservation program that reimbursed residents some of the cost for replacing energy-wasteful motors, home office equipment, and home appliances with energy-efficient ones. For ten years, spending on this program increased annually, and annual total energy consumption declined. But spending on the program began to decline five years ago, and since then Pine City's total electricity consumption has increased sharply(2). If this increased usage continues, the city will have to build a costly new power plant(3). Obviously the best way to avoid this expense is to increase reimbursement(4) to residents for replacing energy-wasteful equipment(1,5). This will reduce energy usage to the levels of five years ago(6)."
(1)The author fails to substantiate the critical assumption that there are still significant amount of such devices could be replaced.
(2)The author simply assumes that it is those energy-wasteful devices that resulted in the increased electricity consumption.
(3)The author fails to provide information about the capacity of our existing power plant(s) and actual amount of electricity consumption, thus we cannot evaluate if the new power plant will be necessary.
(4)We do not know how much money would be spent for the reimbursement to reduce energy usage to former levels, maybe a new power plant will be more economically efficient if the reimbursement is very expensive.
(5)The author ignores other solution to reduce energy usage.
(6)Granted that the author’s proposal is necessary, we cannot ensure that energy consumption will decline to the levels of five years ago.
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