本文例举了一些GRE Argument题型的题目的提纲,希望通过这些范例,帮助大家在平时自己复习过程中也学着列作文提纲。
gre argument54题目:
The following appeared in a newsletter on dental health.
"A recent research study reported the experience of dentists whose patients had, over a period of five years(2), regularly used Flux Dental Floss as part of their dental hygiene routine. The report indicates that these dentists had 50 percent fewer cases of gum disease(1,5) than did dentists whose patients did not use Flux regularly. In addition, most of the Flux users(3) who were surveyed by their dentists agreed that Flux's mint flavor would encourage people to floss more often(4). Thus, even though Flux may cost more than other brands of floss, it is clearly a worthwhile investment(7) for those who want to be assured of healthy teeth(5) and gums(6)."
(1)Other causes may explain the fewer cases of gum disease of the patients who use Flux regularly.
(2)The period of the survey is not long enough, thus there may be negative effects of Flux on gum health in the long run.
(3)People who favors mint flavor are more likely to choose Flux, (are the respondents representative?) or other people may not favor mint flavor as much as those Flux users.
(4)Other brands of floss may also have mint flavor.
(5)No evidence concerning the effect of Flux on teeth health is provided.
(6)Other brands of floss may have similar effects on gum health as Flux has.
(7)The author does not provide the actual price of Flux, thus we cannot evaluate if it is worthy to use Flux.
无论是GRE Issue还是GRE Argument,考生都应该养成写提纲的习惯。这种提纲式的GRE写作练习可以帮助考生锻炼写作的逻辑性。