本文例举了一些GRE Argument题型的题目的提纲,希望通过这些范例,帮助大家在平时自己复习过程中也学着列作文提纲。
gre argument31题目:
The following appeared in the editorial section of a newsmagazine.
"Some states are creating new laws that restrict the use of handheld cell phones by drivers of automobiles. Such legislation, however, is sheer folly. Although some(1) people with cell phones undoubtedly cause problems on the road, including serious accidents, the majority do not(2). Besides, problems are also caused by drivers who are distracted by any number of other activities, from listening to the radio to disciplining children. Since there is no need to pass legislation restricting these and other such activities(3,4), it follows that there is no need to restrict people's freedom to use a device that they find convenient—or helpful in emergencies(5)."
(1)The author does not inform us what fraction of drivers who use cell phones involved in accidents.
(2)The fact that most people with cell phones do not cause problems does not indicate that there is no need to prevent the possibility of accidents caused by using cell phones.
(3)Other dangerous activities, as mentioned by the author, should also be restricted if necessary.
(4)Accidents caused by using cell phones might occur more frequently, or be much more serious, than accidents caused by other activities.
(5)Restricting the use of cell phones during driving situation does not interfere with people’s freedom to use a convenient device in emergencies.
无论是GRE Issue还是GRE Argument,考生都应该养成写提纲的习惯。这种提纲式的GREe写作练习可以帮助考生锻炼写作的逻辑性。