Gray wolves have been absent from a large national park for decades. Park officials wish to reestablish the wolves without jeopardizing any existing species of wildlife there. Since the park contains adequate prey for the wolves and since the wolves avoid close contact with people, reintroducing them would serve the officials' purpose without seriously jeopardizing visitors' safety.
Each of the following, if true, strengthens the argument above EXCEPT:
(A) The park is so large that wolves will not need to venture into areas frequented by people.
(B) Rabies is very rare in wolves, and there have been no verified cases of serious human injuries from nonrabid wild wolves since records have been kept.
(C) Ranchers in the region near the park have expressed concern that gray wolves, if reintro-duced, would sometimes prey on their livestock.
(D) Predation by gray wolves on elk in the park is likely to improve the health and viability of the park's elk population as a whole by reducing malnutrition among the elk.
(E) Wolves do not prey on animals of any endangered species that currently inhabit the park.