51.Kill the time
52.Let it be
53.Leave me alone
55.Lucky you
57.Mind your own business
58.My treat
59.My turn
60.No way
62.no comment
63.No wonder
64.No big deal
65.No doubt about it
67.Nothing much
68.No way out
70.Oh ,no
71.Piece of cake
72.Pull yourself together
73.Put it in this way 74.Play it cool
75.Quite a place
76.Right or wrong 77.so so
78.Same to you
79.Stick to it 80.Superb
82.Suit me fine 83.Terrific
84.There it is
85.Thank Heaven
86.Thank you all the same
87.That,s it for today
88.Tell you what 89.Time flies
91.Watch out
92.Watch your step
93.what,s up
94.Who knows
95. Why bother
96.What,s going on
97.you,re telling me
98.You bet
99.You deserve it
100.you never know
101.you know what
102.You said it
103.It is a long story
104.It is my day
105.It,s worth a try
106.Just in the nick of time
107.just a moment
108.just wait and see
109.Make yourself at home
110.You are pulling my legs