The most embarrassed/sad time is that I failed in the college entrance examination 5 years ago.I was the best students in my high school, and everyone, my parents, teachers, friends all believed that I’ll go to my dreaming college undoubtedly. So, you can imagine how sad, depressed and embarrassed I was when received this unacceptable result. Thanks to my mother, who helped me to overcome the psychological barricades, and decided to restart in the coming university career. Anyway, tomorrow is another day.
Favorite music/song
Pop music /My heart will go on,
1: entertainment, relax, optimistic and health
2: sing together with friends, spent spare time together
Favorite song
1. the song for the romantic movie, the Titanic,remind me of this great love story
2. feel relaxed, my boyfriend also like this song,our belief for love
My favorite weather/season
Spring/ Sunny day
1. Enjoy the beautiful scenery at the top of mountain Luojia located in the compus. The light green forests
2 summer and winter is horrible in Wuhan, with an average temperature of over 38 degree centigrade.
Worst weather
Winter/ snowy day
1 it is cold. IN My home town JiLin, the coldest province of China, the average degree is 8-10-below-zero degree centigrade. They wear thick clothes, heavy shoes, caps but still quiver of the terrible weather.
2 Secondly, the cold winter prohibits any open-air actions. No longer can I go hiking, jogging, climbing with friends or playing fames with my son.
3 Also because of the cold temperature, no vegetables can grow in winter. The one and only vegetable here is cabbage.Even vegetables transported form the warm north not fresh and too expensive to consume everyday.
Describe your experience of learning English
I began to learn English when I was 12, and now, I’ve been studying it for over 10years.Frankly speaking, it is a difficult task 1 the vocabulary. Word is the basic unit of each and every language, however, it is also a vital yet hard task. I used to spend over 5 hours on remember words but with little success.2 spelling mistakes. Even if I remember a word’s meaning, I still often spell it mistakenly. Sometimes I’ll loss an “A” or “C”,sometimes I’ll add an “I” or “T”. there is little regulation about how the letters compose into a word. This always drove my crazy.Practice makes perfects.