Take each test three times.
When done right, taking a test is really three activities: preparing for the test, taking the actual exam, then going over the comments to see what mistakes you made. Each activity furnishes important – and grade-improving – information: The studying gives you practice in questions very similar to the those that will be on the test; the actual test is where the A is earned (at least in the best case); and the review of the comments is an investment in an A on the next test.
Always answer the question asked.
More points are lost on tests – and, even more so, on papers – by not answering the question asked than by giving the wrong answer. That’s because students often have strong – and wrong – preconceptions about what the professor should be asking. “How can the question be so specific,” they wonder. “How can the professor not be asking a question about last week’s classes, especially since he or she seemed so interested in that topic?” “Can the professor really be asking about that journal article we were supposed to read, or about the discussion in section?” Don’t try to psych out the professor or distrust what you see before your very eyes.
Play all four quarters.
Many college courses are “back-loaded.” More than half the grade is left to assignments due the last month of the semester: a third test, 15 percent; the term- or research paper, 25 percent; the cumulative final, 30 percent. You get the idea. Pace yourself and don’t run out of gas just as you’re coming into the home stretch.
Do all the “extras.”
In some courses, there are special, end-of-the-semester activities that can improve your grade. Review sessions, extra office hours, rewrites of papers, extra credit work – all of these can be grade-boosters. Especially in schools where there are no pluses and minuses, even a few extra points can push your border-line grade over the hump (say, from a B + to an A-minus – that is, an A).
Join a community.
Many students improve their grades with “study buddies” or study groups. Try to meet at least once a week – especially in courses in which there are weekly problem sets or quizzes. Students can improve their grades one level (or more) when they commit to working in an organized way with other students.
Resolve to get at least one “A” each semester.
Getting even a single “A” will change the way you think about yourself. You’ll be more confident about your abilities and more hopeful for future semesters. If you’re at all close, in even one course, work really hard to do it. It will change things forever.