College students increasingly much are migratory animals: they move from college to college and sometimes even take a year off, or leave college altogether with the hope that one day they’ll return. But is it a good idea to transfer, take a break, or join the workforce? You’ll find the answer that’s right for you if you ask yourself these ten questions (and provide yourself with honest answers):
1. “Is the problem the school—or me?” Many students who feel disillusioned about college are really feeling disillusioned about their experience of college. But keep in mind that even if you transfer colleges, or drop out of college entirely, you take yourself with you. If you’re having personal problems adjusting to the reality of college (as many beginning students do), you should consider whether these problems really would be alleviated at another college or in the workforce.
1. 究竟是学校的问题,还是我的问题?许多对大学不再抱有幻想的学生的确因为他们的大学经历而感到理想破灭。但是请记得即使你转校,或是辍学,你还是你。如果你自身在适应真实的大学上有问题(正如许许多多的新生一样),你应该考虑这些问题是否也会出现在另一所学校或者工作中。
2. “Would a few friends do the trick?” Many students who feel alienated at the beginning of college are really feeling that they don’t fit in, and that nobody really likes them. Rather than considering a wholesale change of college, or abandoning the college project, you might do better making some efforts on the social front: join a club or team; find a church, synagogue, mosque, or temple; or just develop a few “study buddies” in one of your classes. You’d be amazed how even a few cohorts can change your college experience.
2. 如果结识些新朋友是否会有转机?许多在大学伊始身感被疏远的学生的确感觉他们无法融入,而且没人喜欢他们。与其考虑转校,或是放弃学业,你可以在社交方面做的更好:参加俱乐部或是团队;找个教堂、犹太教会、清真寺、或是寺庙;或者在班上交几个“学友”。你会惊奇的发现几个志同道合的人可以大大改善你的大学经历。
3. “Am I panicking too soon?” For many students, moving away from home to college is a ginormous change. And at many of life’s thresholds, it takes some time to get adjusted on the other side. Not to mention that many students find college a good deal harder on the academic front than high school. Before planning to jump ship, give yourself at least a couple of months to acclimate yourself to your new life; if after a semester you’re still unhappy, there’s still plenty of time to consider other possibilities.
3. 我是不是过早的恐慌了?对于许多学生而言,背井离乡来到大学是个巨大的转变。在许多人生中的拐点,都是需要一些时间调整适应的。更不用说很多学生发觉在大学可以比在高中更好的在学术方面努力。打算转学前,至少给你自己几个月时间适应新生活;如果一个学期之后你还是不开心,你还是有很多时间去考虑其他选项。
4. “Is the new school really all that different?” If you’re thinking about transferring—either laterally from one college to another, or upward from a community college to a four-year college—make sure that the target school is really different from, or an improvement on, where you are now. You probably won’t get all that much change if you move from Emory to Johns Hopkins, or from the University of Georgia to the University of Florida.
4. 新学校就会截然不同了吗?如果你在考虑转学——不论是同级的从一所学校到另一所学校,或是从社区大学升级到四年制大学——确保转入的新校的确与你现在所在的学校截然不同、或是有所提升。如果你是从埃默里大学转到约翰霍普金斯大学,或是从乔治亚大学转到佛罗里达大学,很可能不会有太大改变。
5. “Does the target school have the major or program I want?” If, on the other hand, your interests have significantly changed since you first enrolled in college, or your current school does not offer ichthyology or cetology (for those whose school doesn’t offer those majors, they are the studies of fish and of whales, respectively), transferring might make very good sense. Just make sure your target school has spaces in those programs and enough faculty to justify your move. (It wouldn’t be a half-bad idea to check out how well they place their graduates, while you’re at it.)
5. 新学校有我想要的专业或项目吗?如果,从另一方面讲,你自入学以后兴趣大变,或是你现在的学校并不提供鱼类学或是鲸类学,转校可能更有意义。记得确保你的新学校有这些项目和足够的资源来保证你的转校。(不妨顺便查查他们的毕业生何去何从。)