Mathematics > Standard Multiple Choice
Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.
The bar graph above shows the number of people in attendance at each of the four meetings of the Maple Street Block Association that were held in 2011. Only members of the Block Association can attend the meetings, and no members joined or left the Block Association during 2011. Based on the bar graph, what is the least number of members the Maple Street Block Association could have had in 2011?
(A) 61
(B) 65
(C) 67
(D) 72
(E) 268
The correct answer is D
The highest attendance was at the spring 2011 meeting, which had 72 people attending. Since only members can attend the meetings, these 72 people must have been members of the Maple Street Block Association; thus, there must have been at least 72 members of the Block Association. If the 65, 61 and 70 people who attended the winter, summer and autumn meetings, respectively, were all among the 72 people who attended the spring meeting, then the Block Association could have had as few as 72 members in all. Therefore, based on the bar graph, the least number of members the Maple Street Block Association could have had in 2011 is 72.