An international student writing an essay for a U.S. college application might feel pressured to include global opinions or demonstrate cross-cultural understanding to amaze the admissions staff. But think about it this way: Your essay topic does not need to be a once in a-lifetime story. The way you tell it and reflect on it could be unique. It takes time to write a great application essay and you should enjoy this time in order to write it well and make it outstanding. To do so, try some of the following tips.
1. Imagine that you are speaking with or writing a letter to a future classmate or roommate: If you are stuck on what to write about in the college application essay, stop writing for a while and pretend that you are talking to or writing a letter to your new roommate. You may tell your future friend about your hobbies, explain to him or her your daily routines, discuss your favorite books written by a famous author from your country, disclose your fear of cultural differences and talk about your passions. You will realize that what you want your future roommate to know about you could be things you want the admissions staff to be aware of as well. Focusing and reflecting on one of these topics could inspire you to write a distinctive essay.
1. 想象成你在对未来的同学或者室友说话或是写信:如果你不知道大学本科申请作文写些什么,不如置笔假想自己正在对你的新室友说话或是写信。你可能会告诉你未来朋友你的兴趣爱好、向他们解释你日常的生活习惯、讨论你最喜欢的那本由你们国家名家所著的书籍、透露你对文化差异的忧虑、以及谈谈你的激情所在。你会发现你希望你未来室友所了解关于你的事情很可能也正是你希望招生委员所需要知道的。专注并琢磨这些话题其中之一很可能激发你的灵感带给你一篇与众不同的作文。
2. Remember that the first sentence does not have to be written first: Students are often taught to make an outline, with the introduction first, then the body of the essay and the conclusion last, step by step. Sometimes, the first sentence of the essay can block your inspiration, no matter how fantastic your outline. If this is where you struggle, just leave the first sentence or paragraph blank. Start from anywhere in the essay. Do not be afraid to ramble about a small idea that just popped up in your head. You never know where a small idea could lead you, or more importantly, how it will inspire the flow of your writing.
2. 首句不一定要先写:学生常常被教导要先写行文大纲,介绍在最前面、文章主体紧随其后、最后是总结部分,按部就班。有时候,不论你的大纲有多赞,作文的首句可能堵塞你的灵感。如果这就是你所纠结挣扎之处,不如先把首句或是首段空着。从你喜欢的文章部分着手。放心大胆的随笔写下你脑海中灵光一现的小想法。没人知道这个小想法会带你步入何方、或是它有多重要、它如何使你文思泉涌。
3. Take a break, but don't postpone the task: An essay won't sound fresh and thorough if it is written under too much pressure, whether that's time pressure of a deadline, pressure from your parents' expectations or the pressure you put on yourself to pursue the American dream. Take a break from writing the application essay and refresh your brain by looking at an English-language children's book or by translating a short journal paragraph from English to your native language. You can also try translating the piece of the application essay you have so far to your native tongue. I did that and then discussed it with my sister, who always makes funny comments about what I write. The ultimate goal is for you to feel comfortable writing and to allow yourself to think creatively. I would not, however, recommend starting application essays in your native language and then translating them to English. Your essay will not be the same and could be worse when it is lost in translation.
3. 休息片刻,但不要拖延任务:不论是因为截止日期的紧迫、父母期许、或是追逐美国梦的自我要求所带来的压力,在压力山大的时候是没法写出清新而周密的文章的。写申请作文时不妨小憩片刻,看看英语儿童读物、或是英译汉一小段论文而清醒一下你的头脑。你也可以试试把你所写的申请作文中的一部分翻译成母语。我就这么做了,然后和姐姐讨论了一下,她经常对我所写的东西给出有趣的评论。终极目标是使你感到自在的书写并使你能够自由的创作。然而,我不建议以母语写申请作文然后再翻译成英语。你的作文不会原汁原味,而且由于翻译中的误解可能会变得更差。
The more you write, the better you express your thinking in English. Start early and give yourself time to grow, academically and beyond, with your college application essay.