It is more than likely that you have never even heard of Hull, and that is totally understandable. Hull is a British city, often to referred to as Hell! There are several reasons for this. The first being that it is quite the worst place to find yourself. I have been only once, that was enough. On my way to the lovely east coast village of Robbin Hood's Bay, I, through no more than severe misfortune, found myself lost, lonely, down on my luck, in the mists of depression, with all hope lost. And this was after only three minutes, and still in the safety of my car. Blind panic came over me, as I noticed the mutant like inhabitants of this apocalyptic place. All sense of normality, style, humanity even, gone. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution reversed with one wrong turn. I would like to describe Hull as vacuous, as then, the nothingness would seem like a blank slate, something to build on, purity it's self, but nothing could be further from the truth. Dying, no already dead, and rotting from the inside, infecting all and everything that is within proximity of its boarders. I focused, determined to come though this traumatic episode, put the pedal to the metal, and, in a scene not to dissimilar to Grand Theft Auto, I violated every rule of the road and made good my escape.
Don't just take my word for it, it is now official, it tops the 'Crap Map' of Britain. Having said that, Hull university does have high rates of student satisfaction. This is probably due to the very low cost of living when compared to other major UK cities, especially in the south. The university also has a strong reputation for research.
But in my mind, Hull is famous for one reason only. Philip Larkin, the man who turned downed the honourable role as Poet Laureate, oxford graduate, writer, and head librarian of Hull university. A great poet and a bitter man, the writer who emerged in the 1950s as part of the 'The Movement', a group of 'angry young men'. He wrote poems that expressed a refusal to participate.
In many ways, Larkin could be seen as synonymous with Hull, as, despite the degradation of both the the streets of Hull, and the internal workings if his mind. There are faint glimmers of hope......but you must search for them as they will usually be concealed well beneath the dark exterior and hopelessness that simmers on their old cold exterior.
Now, I am not saying that when considering your university you should only consider your emotional attachment to particular city or town, in fact quite the opposite. I believe that even in a place such as Hull, as a student, it is more than possible to have a fantastic experience, a world class education and develop a fond relationship to such a place. During my time as a UK university student, it became clear to me that the British system of Further Education offers a unique opportunity and environment, which fortifies against the pressures of real life. It is in such a situation, that one is given the space to grow and develop, a time for learning to think, far more important than simply learning. And although the destination of your choice will be important to you, Larkin delivers a piece of typically inverted hope, a reminder that, ”A place cannot produce good poems; it can only prevent them and Hull is good at that. It neither impresses or insists". And what I take from this, is that even a place such as Hull, or any other, what truly counts is the determination and ability of an individual, both to succeed or enjoy ones experience, which you will surly do in the UK.
Just like Larkin's claims about Hull; that it insists nothing, often, nor will your university course. it will give you great autonomy, but beware, I have often seen such freedoms abused, and have abused them myself......and lets face it, you don't want to end up in Hull for the remainder of your days!