雅思写作,尤其是大作文写作是考生相当头疼的问题,一般大作文写作准备工作可分为三步: 词汇积累,思路收集,美化句式。如何攻破雅思写作难关,本文结合考题为例,介绍了写作高分的三条必经之路,为考生备考提出有效的学习方案。 建议教师和考生可以从这三方面着手,成绩不会逊色。
1. 词汇量小
“英国的COBUILD词典认为英语最基本、最核心的词汇为6600个;Laufer认为5000个词汇应是阅读所需词汇量的下限,学习者若拥有9000词汇量,阅读正确率也只有70%;美国语言学家Diller认为10000词汇量也才是阅读中等难度的文章的最基本要求;而 中国 的桂诗春教授曾说道,对于英美一年级大学生来说,起码要懂得15000个词,TOEFL的选词范围约在10000个词左右。从这些中外数字对比中不难看出,中国大学生所拥有的词汇量远远未达到顺利阅读英语中等难度文章的要求。”另外,课本里每个单元所学词汇无法涵盖词汇的重要组成部分——习语,也就是说,相对有限、静止的词汇表远远落后于学生实际交际的需要。要弥补这一不足,需要教师在课堂上引导学生以不同主题内容为单位,学习与这一主题相关的尽可能丰富的词汇、表达方式和相关背景知识。
2. 语言学习与文化脱节
1. 广泛阅读,增加词汇量
2. 通过日常生活的各个领域的分类词汇学习,增加词汇量
把语言知识放到专题学习里,内容一出来,就有了语境又是生活中最常见的情景,学生有兴趣、记得也快,稍加练习就可以记住。例如,一篇讲述盲人运动员的奋斗历程文章,这篇文章用记叙文的写作手法,激励学生 英文讨论,树立积极向上人生观等方面都能起到较好效果,但对学生在现实生活中的英文交际则帮助有限。若以此为引子,展开辅助话题就 体育 运动这个大领域进行英文探索,加上2008北京奥运的举办,学生明显对这个话题有较高的积极性。日常生活中,常见的话题还包括医疗、饮食等,这些文章老师都应收集并推荐给学生,强调语言与现实社会技能、现实生活的联系;学生有更多的机会运用他们已有的相关内容的知识和专长,从而上升了语言和该内容学习的更高阶段。也就是说,帮助学生增加词汇量的第二个方法是选择日常生活的医疗、饮食、教育等常见话题的文章,让学生.通过阅读掌握日常生活的各个领域的分类词汇。
3. 深刻反映英美文化的学习,增加词汇量
举个例子,在阅读时如果遇到 at eleventh hour(意思为在最后时刻在危急关头),这个习语里每个单词学生都认识,但学生仍然感到记忆困难。为什么呢?在他们长期记忆的知识储备中,最后一刻最多只能和last,final,eventual这样的单词联系起来,即便是最后一个小时,他们也认为是twenty-third hour,第二十三个小时而不是第十一个。因此,在运用工作记忆对这个习语进行试图理解的同时,已经无法做到对其进行记忆并进一步转化成自己的使用方式。但如果学生的知识储备里已经知道古犹太人将白天分为12小时自日出算到日落。Eleventh hour既不指现在的上午11时也不指夜晚11时,而是相当于日落前的下午5时即白天12小时工作日的“第11小时”。《圣经新约》《马太福音》第20章中,基督耶酥曾用来说明能够进入天国的不分先后,即使在最后时刻也还来得及。那么,看到eleventh hour就可从长时记忆里调出“最后时刻”的概念,减少理解时间,相对地用来记住这一习语的工作记忆空间,增强记忆则更快更牢固了。
It is suggested that all the young adults should undertake a period of unpaid work helping people in the community. Does it bring more benefits or drawbacks to the community and the young people?
1 There are many people who need help. Indeed, when an old person feels sick, the volunteers could offer first aid before the doctor or the ambulance arrives. Likewise, if a disabled person has difficulty doing some daily activities such as shopping, the assistance from young volunteers is indispensable.
2 The world needs more love.
1 as far as the young people are concerned, they could develop the sense of responsibility, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others in the neighborhood. In this way, people may live in harmony in the community.
2 Get social experience
1 the downsides of volunteer community service are worth mentioning. In fact, in the city like Shanghai, an increasing number of graduates find it harder to make a living on their own. Thus, if all of the young adults are required to do full-time unpaid job in a fixed period, some of them would have no income source, which is unrealistic to these youngsters.
2. In addition, it is believed that community service could possibly take up their time of acquiring knowledge.
考题:TV,internet and radio are very popular nowadays. Some people say that they will replace books and written words as the main source of information. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Argue for A
优势:1. the fastest and most effective way of obtaining information
2.we can get information on TV and in the Internet instead of buying newspapers and going to libraries, which saves time and money.
3. informative/ have super capacities to save information. On the contrary, the capacities of books are limited
ARGUE against A
1. people can not use the electronic media without equipment such as computers and TV sets; however, books are portable.
2. books and written words having more than 3000 years history are more mature than electronic media
3. no good for protecting the copyrights.
4, People often criticize TV for showing too much sex and violence
some people claim that people should not use live animals to test medicine or toiletry. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. it is a great limitation on medicine development
2. new products without animal test may be dangerous and harmful
3. if we do not use live animals to test medicine or toiletry, the test objects must be live humans.
考题:air transport is increasingly used to export fruits and vegetables to some coutries where can not be grown or out of season. Some people think it is not justified. What is your opinion?
1. for consumers, they can taste some foreign foods without going to other countries.
2. for transporters, such operation can bring much income. Actually, only about 40% seats of plane are in service in off-seasons compared to offering discounted plane tickets, transporting foods may be a better choice.
3. for exporters, such orders are gold of their business. With the development of technology, the yield is increasing, but if those foods can not be sold immediately, they may decay/rot/ go bad/ moldy. The air transportation just solves this problem and brings money for them.
4. for governments, they cannot be happier than receiving tax by economy development.
People hold different opinions /views on this issue.
1. 学生行为不良似乎成了一个越来越广泛的问题,我认为现代的生活方式要对此负责任。
Poor student behavior seems to be an increasingly widespread problem and I think modern lifestyles are responsible for this.
三. 复杂句
名词性从句, 定语从句, 状语从句。其中名词性从句包括主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句。
1 这并不意味着没有这些条件的人就不能幸福。
This does not mean that people without these conditions cannot be happy.
While some people link happiness to wealth and material success, others think it lies in emotions and loving/close personal relationships.
3. 政府应该提高公众的环境保护意识,以此来促进可持续发展并且创造一个更适合人类生存的环境。
The government should raise the public awareness of environmental preservation/protection, thereby promoting sustainable development and creating a more livable /inhabitable environment.
/so that sustainable development could be promoted and a more livable environment would be created.
1. in terms of
These children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention because working parents do not have time for this, but in more material ways.
2. regardless of +词, no matter + 句子
They are allowed to buy whatever they want, regardless of the price.
They are allowed to buy whatever they want, no matter how much it cost.
3. it is….that 的强调句式
4. IF 的虚拟句式
5. 状语前置的句型等