上一次我们就《TOEFL Junior阅读:细节目的题》进行了讲解,接下来我们再来看看目的题的另外一种文章目的题。
这种题目一般都是出现在非学术类文章中的第一题。考察实质就是考生对于某一篇应用文的作用。比如考试中经常考到的书信类文章的目的一定就是这封信的正文第一句话内容。如果正文第一句是I'm writing to apply for the position of…… 那么这封信目的一目了然就是申请一个职位。我们在考试中还有可能会遇到推荐信、感谢信或者抱怨信等,但是文章目的题的答案一定都在文章正文第一句中体现。再例如在非学术类文章中我们还会遇到学校通知类的文章,这类文章的第一题也很有可能是文章目的题,而这类文章的目的显然就是inform the reader,所以考生们读懂通知所讨论的事件就能得知本题的答案,一般都是号召大家参加某个学校活动或者某个活动的日程安排。对于文章目的题我们只要复习课上老师所教授的非学术类文章各类体裁的写作目的就可以轻松应对。
On Saturday, December 12th, from 10 A.M.until 4 P.M., Carverton Middle School will be holding a music festival in the school gymnasium. The special event will feature a variety of professional musicians and singers.
We are looking for Carverton students to help with the jobs. Interested students should speak with Ms. Braxton, the music teacher. Students who would like to help at the festival must have written permission from a parent or guardian.
Why did the author write the announcement?
A There will be a music festival to be held on Saturday.
B The school is looking for some volunteers to help with the jobs at the music festival.
C The music teacher wants written permissions from students’ parents.
D There will be a variety of professional musicians and singers attending the music festival.
通过阅读短文可知,这是一篇Announcement。Announcement, Note和E-mail 等文体都有很强的目的性,即告知某件事情或者传递信息。这篇 Announcement在第一段介绍了学校将在体育馆举办一次音乐节,届时会有许多的专业音乐家和歌手参加这次活动。第二段的开头作者也表明了该通知的目的:”We are looking for Carverton students to help with the jobs.”, 然后说明了报名的方式和要求,所以这题的答案是B,这篇文章的目的是为了招募志愿者。