Critical Reading > Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Alvin is an exceedingly ------- person: he unselfishly ------- his friends without ever expecting anything in return.
(A) opportunistic . . supports
(B) noble . . undermines
(C) bemused . . aids
(D) caustic . . neglects
(E) altruistic . . assists
The correct answer is E
The structure of the sentence indicates that the statement after the colon gives an example of the idea in the first part of the sentence. If Alvin is unselfish, he likely “assists,” or helps, his friends without expecting anything from them in return. And helping people without expecting anything in return is an example of being “altruistic,” or unselfishly concerned with the welfare of others.