Critical Reading > Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Mark’s pledge to assist with the project left Sondra more ------- than grateful; she ------- the offer but knew that Mark often failed to follow through on his promises.
(A) wary . . appreciated
(B) puzzled . . suspected
(C) content . . abandoned
(D) skeptical . . resented
(E) elated . . acknowledged
The correct answer is A
The sentence indicates that Sondra knew that Mark often did not “follow through” and do things he had promised to do. Therefore, it makes sense to suggest that Sondra “appreciated the offer” but was “more wary than grateful,” or more distrustful and cautious than thankful, when Mark pledged to help with the project.