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益博国际教育 Terrence
托福口语话题:户外运动和室内运动喜欢哪个?(Some people enjoy doing indoor activities, others enjoy doing outdoor activities. Which do you prefer? Explain why.)
分析:托福喜欢你的理由具体化(detailed reasons),讨厌泛泛而谈,所以首先要想好你展开的是什么运动,如果户外一般展开篮球(basketball)、网球(tennis)等。理由么可以呼吸新鲜空气(get some fresh air)外加培养自己外向的性格(nurture my outgoing and extrovert personality)(因为可以见到阳光嘛);当然,作为在中国并不太流行的,在美国享有高度热度的三大体育项目橄榄球(football)、棒球(baseball)和冰球(hockey)也确实有部分同学们接触过,比如益博国际教育的西式运动训练营就有橄榄球项目。如果你接触过这些在中国不算特别流行、但却在国际上风靡的项目中流行的项目,不妨把这些项目作为自己的素材,这样能提升自己留下的印象。
如果是室内可以是瑜伽(Yoga),理由一般可以说不受外界恶劣条件的限制(would not be affected by the weather)(雨天仍然可以做运动)外加有空调(airconditioning)(避免盛夏和隆冬的侵扰)——培养自己坚持的性格,而不是到处找借口不锻炼。
I prefer indoor sports due to various reasons. First, working out indoors wouldn't be affected by the weather. For example, I can have fun playing badminton, it doesn’t matter even if it rains cats and dogs outside. During summer days that are sweltering hot, we can exercise indoors without getting sun burnt. Second, indoor activities are usually, if not always, less intense. That means we don’t get easily injured comparing to doing outdoor sports like skiing or snowboarding. Indoor sports like yoga are more soothing, or relaxing.