A类Task 1
图表类型 曲线图(动态)
作文题目 The graph shows the world demand for 5 types of resources between 1970 and 2030.
要素回忆 五条曲线,三条上升,两条平稳。
写作指导 要分过去和将来两段来写,分别用一般过去时和一般将来时。每段先讲横比,即哪些资源总体消费量较大,哪些较小。然后再根据动态变化把五条线分为两组,上升的分一组,平稳的分一组。未来的预测数据单独分段。
类似真题 剑5 Test 1,剑7 Test 2
A类Task 2
作文题目 Nowadays, people always throw old things away and buy new things, whereas in the past, old things were repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effects does the phenomenon lead to?
题目翻译 现在人们总是扔掉旧东西然后再买新东西。而在过去,人们会把旧东西修好继续用。有那些原因导致这种现象?这种现象会带来什么影响?
话题分类 抽象类
题型类别 Report(原因+影响)
是否旧题 重复2009年12月5日的题目。
话题分析 本题属于抽象类话题。抽象类话题看似难以困难,然而这些题目的共同解题策略就是与题库中的具体话题发生联系,从而寻找论据。在本题中,考生既可以从社会观念、人们的生活方式角度去考虑,也可以从环境和资源的角度去构思。此外,本题还可以与广告话题发生联系,从广告的角度来解释这种现象。甚至从科技角度也能想出论点:由于电子产品更新换代日新月异,导致人们不得不更新手中的通讯设备。
1. Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away” culture, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To what extent do you agree with this opinion and what measures can you recommend reducing this problem? (050806)
2. We have entered a throw-away society and fill the environment with rubbish. What are the causes and what are your solutions? (071201)
结构思路 开头:改写话题+文章结构
It is widely acknowledged that we have entered a “throw-away society”, as people no longer attempt to repair old goods such as clothes and electronic devices. Instead, they simply throw them away and buy new ones. This essay will elaborate on the causes leading to this tendency and examine the effects that it may bring. 正文1:交代原因
1. 经济全球化时代,生产力的提高使得消费品更低价。Thanks to economic globalization, the industrial output has been raised significantly, which has greatly driven down the price of consumer goods.
2. 人们生活水平的提高带来消费观念的变革。Moreover, the ever-increasing living standard of people has revolutionized their traditional consumption concept.
这里可以句举衣服、一次性产品disposable products、数码产品的例子。
3. 各种广告的诱惑吸引人们不断购买新产品。Also, a dazzling array of advertisements appear on mass media every day, keeping luring people to purchase new products.
1. 这种狂热的消费主义加速了自然资源的消耗,加剧了环境的破坏。The rampant consumerism in society has sped up the exhaustion of natural resources, and aggravated environmental pollution.
2. 助长了非理性消费和拜金主义。Additionally, this trend has also bred irrational consumption and even a money-oriented mentality.
结论:回顾+解决方法媒体应当通过公益广告宣传勤俭节约。The mass media should launch more public service advertisement to promote thrift and frugality.