A类Task 1
图表类型 柱状图(静态)
作文题目 The chart shows the values of food import and export in some regions of the world.
要素回忆 见下图。
写作指导 正文分两段,第一段写出口国的情况,第二段写进口国的情况。人口作为背景数据放在每一段的首句。出口国的数据分2组,北美洲比较高,大洋洲和拉丁美洲稍低。进口国同样分2组,欧洲和近东分一组,非洲和远东分一组。总结段可以用上两个专业术语:贸易顺差trade surplus, 贸易逆差trade deficit.
类似真题 剑7 Test 3
A类Task 2
作文题目 More and more companies are allowing employees to work from home. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
题目翻译 越来越多的公司允许员工在家工作。你认为这是积极还是消极的发展?
话题分类 科技类
题型类别 利弊分析
题型解析 Is it a positive or negative development题型与What are the advantages and disadvantages题型的区别在于,后者只要求摆出优点和缺点,结论通常是是折中加简单的解决方法,而前者的结论必须在positive或negative中选其一。
是否旧题 新题,但该类型的话题在A类与G类中多次出现。本题与以下5道题高度相似,但因本题限制条件最少,所以难度是所有题目中最低的。与“十大话题万能分类题库”中科技类话题2号母题相似。
1. Today, people in many countries can live and work anywhere they choose, because of improved communication technology and transport. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? (090117)
2. More and more people are working at home rather than in the workplaces. Some people say this will bring benefits to the workers and their families, but others think it will bring stress to the home. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (070825,G类)
3. Travel to and from work has become more difficult for many people. To solve this situation, employers should allow people to do some work at home. Do you agree or disagree? (100605,G类)
4. Many employees may work from home with modern technology. Some people claim that it can benefit only the workers, not the employers. Do you agree or disagree? (050716, 091212)
5. There are more workers working from home and more students studying from home, because the computer technology is more and more easily accessible and cheaper. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? (081115, 110319)
写作指导 本题问的是远程上班telework/ telecommute利与弊,因此文章正文可以分为两大块来写,一段写telecommute的好处,一段写坏处。另外本题没有任何限制,因此可以从员工、雇主、社会这几个角度进行展开,论据相当丰富,同学们可以根据自己的喜好进行选择。
1、 节省了路途中所需要的时间和金钱。
2、 时间安排更加自由,有更多的时间来处理家务household chores。
1、节省了日常开销overheads,包括房租house rent和水电费utility bills。
2、可以从全世界范围内雇佣员工hire employees worldwide/ globally,从而可以实现公司24小时营业。
1、减少了交通拥堵relieve traffic congestion。
2、减少了碳排放carbon emission。
3、促进了社会的就业promote employment,特别是残疾人和偏远地区remote areas劳动力的就业。
4、女性可以少受性别歧视gender discrimination,因为远程上班的妇女不需要带薪休假take paid leave,比如产假和哺乳假maternity leave。
1、体验不到企业文化corporate culture,要错过很多培训机会training opportunities。
2、整天坐在电脑面前缺乏运动,会引发一些疾病,包括近视眼myopia, 肥胖症obesity,糖尿病diabetes。
3、长期不跟人进行接触不仅有损于人际交往技能interpersonal skills的培养,而且可能会诱发抑郁症depression和自闭症autism。
4、家中太多的琐事distraction容易使员工分心employees can hardly concentrate on their work。
2、员工很难对公司忠诚,有可能在竞争机构business rivals工作。
结论:从总体上来说,远程工作上是社会进步的一种表现,可以提高工作效率working efficiency,减少办公成本。然而,远程工作对雇员的身心健康mental and physical health会有一定的损害,也有可能对雇主的利益造成侵害。
With the support of communication technologies, working at home is feasible and adopted as a flexible alternative by some companies in American and European countries. While this new trend has attracted many people including employees and employers as well, the negative impacts are looming.
At the first glance, telecommuting is very attractive for employees. They are relieved of exhausting commute to workplace at rush hours, and are allowed to arrange their timing at their convenience, thereby making work/life balance achievable. Physical presence at home especially means much for parents and carers of the elderly and the sick family members. Another obvious benefit is that home workers are not restricted to living in a particular city, such as Beijing China, where the environment can be heavily polluted or the housing prices abnormally high. Instead, they gain more freedom to choose their favorable lifestyle. On top of the increasing freedom and flexibility, both employees and employers benefit from teleworking in financial terms. Travel fare, fuel, parking, formal clothes are excluded and less expense occurs in office, such as rent, bills, incidental cost and so on.
However, teleworkers tend to complain about their isolation and depression due to lack of social life which plays a more significant role for human beings than we expect. The loss of sense of belonging can lead to psychological conditions, decreasing job satisfaction and loyalty to a company. Even though telecommuters do talk with their boss and coworkers, they talk on phone or on computer. Such way of interaction eliminates most of non-word information, such as body gesture, facial expression and eye contact, which directly leads to poor cooperation and industrial relation. In addition, working from home requires a high level of self-discipline and without this, working productivity would decrease due to the distraction of house chores and an abundance of internet resources.
To conclude, employees working at home may gain more flexibility, but they are more likely to find themselves losing connection with the society and cannot concentrate on work as they initially hope to. My view is that whether this working fashion functions well depends on the worker and the type of his or her job. If the worker can tune in well and the job can be accomplished individually, for instance, freelance writing or computer programming, then inconsecutive telework may be an optimal option. Otherwise, it should not be encouraged.
1. feasible 可行的
2. adopt 采纳
3. loom 出现
4. At the first glance 乍看起来
5. Telecommute 远程工作
6. relieved of 摆脱
7. at one’s convenience 为了某人的方便
8. be restricted to 局限于
9. abnormally 不正常地
10. flexibility 灵活性
11. in financial terms 在财政方面
12. exclude 不包括
13. incidental cost 杂费
14. isolation 疏远
15. depression 抑郁
16. sense of belonging 归属感
17. psychological conditions 心理问题
18. job satisfaction 工作满意度
19. loyalty 忠诚度
20. optimal option 最佳选择
21. industrial relation 劳工关系
22. self-discipline 自律
23. house chores 家庭琐事
24. an abundance of 大量的
25. initially 最初
26. working fashion 工作方式
27. tune in 调节
28. accomplish 完成
29. freelance writing 自由写作
30. computer programming 电脑编程
31. body gesture 身体姿态
32. facial expression 面部表情
33. eye contact 对视
34. inconsecutive 不连续的
G类 Task 1 信件类别 投诉信
要素回忆 You arranged a delivery to home. But there are some problems with the delivery. Write a letter complain to the manager of the delivery company. In you letter, you should write:what are included in the delivery,what are the problems with the delivery, andsuggest what the managers should do.
G类 Task 2 考试题目 Some think that people will live better in the next 100 years. Others disagree. What's your opinion?
题目翻译 一些人认为人们在将来的100年内生活得更好,另外一些人不同意。你的观点是什么?
话题类别 社会类