Task 1:
图表类型 |
柱状(动态) |
作文题目 |
The two bar charts show the proportion of 14-16-year-old students studying a modern foreign language in an English speaking country, and the top three popular foreign languages. |
题目分析 |
本图是两个内容不同的柱状图构成的组合图,均为动态图。第一幅图是2元素(男生和女生)2项目(1984和2007年),第二幅图是3元素(French, German和Spanish)2项目(1984年和2007年)。 |
写作指导 |
两个内容不同的组合图,自然分两段来写。第一幅图:先交代横比,即总体上学外语的女生比男生比例高。然后写两者的动态变化,即两者比重都出现了下降,用the former from…to…and the latter from …to …句型即可。第二幅图:先交代横比,即法语学习者最多,而西班牙语学习者最少。然后再写动态变化,三种语言趋势大相径庭,因此可以不用分组。先说法语大幅度下降,再用in sharp contrast引出西班牙语,说其流行度大大提升。最后再讲德语,仅出现了小幅度的下降。结论段:在这个说英语的国家,外语学习者的比例总体呈下降趋势。在语种方面,法语不如以前那么火热,而西班牙语则逐渐变得流行。 |
类似真题 |
剑6 Test 4 |
Task 2:
作文题目 |
Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. What is your opinion? |
题目翻译 |
很多人害怕出门,因为他们害怕犯罪。一些人认为我们应该采取更多的行动来预防犯罪,而另外一些人觉得可以做的事不多。你的观点是什么? |
话题分类 |
犯罪类 |
题型类别 |
双边讨论 |
是否旧题 |
同2004年9月11日及2008年10月4日的考题。 |
写作指导 |
题型属于不多见的What is your opinion?。该题与Discuss both views and give your opinion的区别在于,前者可以采纳其中一方观点进行讨论,而后者则必须讨论两种观点。文章结构:1、单边讨论(一边倒):正文分三段,每段各写一个预防措施。2、双边支持。正文第一段支持正方观点,即为了预防犯罪可以采取的措施。可供参考的思路有:安装防盗设施,安装监控摄像头surveillance cameras, 加强法制教育legal education,政府出台严格的法律法规constitute more rigid laws and regulations,等等。正文第二段支持反方观点,即很多预防措施仍然不能解决犯罪问题。可供参考的思路有:防盗设施年久失修,质量堪忧;犯罪是由于社会贫富差距导致,预防措施并不能从根本上防止犯罪的产生。3、单边支持。正文第一段先交代消极者的观点,也就是这些预防措施无益于预防犯罪,然后再进行驳斥,交代完善的预防措施和正确的态度可以有效减少犯罪。正文第二段再讲预防犯罪可以做的事情。 |
参考范文(来自互联网,学生习作,略加修改,分值在7.5分左右) |
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are scared to leave their homes alone due to crimes. Some people argue that regardless of what measures have been taken to struggle against thieves or robberies, the crime rate cannot be lowered substantially, while others contend that anti-crime action is capable of preventing people’s lives and properties from being threatened by criminals. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view.Convincing arguments can be made that taking effective measures brings numerous merits to the protection of properties. To start with, adopting safeguard procedures in advance, such as installing safeguard doors, are conducive to deterring potential criminals. Apart from serving as a facility to prevent homes from being stolen and robbed, safeguard measures are more likely to play a practical role in indicating criminals that hosts have taken precautions against crime. Moreover, even if the house is being invaded by law offenders, the pre-installed equipment, for instance alarm device, can inform policemen to arrive at the crime scene immediately right after they receive the notification. Lastly, implementing necessary guard action can offer a sense of security to people when they are out of their apartments. It is obvious that people can be easily distracted, if they are always anxious about whether their homes are or have suffered from illegal invasion.However, we cannot deny the fact that the existing measures may carry potential drawbacks. A reason for this is that a large number of security devices are criticized for the sake of low quality and they can be broken through readily. It is remarkable that last year, over 200 types of safety anti-thief systems were identified and exposed due to the inferior quality and their sponsor manufacturers are penalized accordingly.In summary, I concede that taking action cannot fully guarantee that people’s houses are able to escape from being intruded by criminals. Despite that, the advantages created by the measures far outweigh the adverse impact. Overall, I am convinced that people should strengthen their awareness of security and in the meantime governments should issue relevant laws to supervise the quality of security systems. |
Task 1 |
信件类别 |
感谢信 |
要素回忆 |
Write a letter to your colleague for his/her help when you worked overseas. 从另外一个国家工作回来,给之前一起工作的同时写信。关于回家的感觉,感谢他的帮助,请他来玩。 |
Task 2 |
考试题目 |
It is better for children to grow up in the countryside instead of cities. Do you agree or disagree? |
题目翻译 |
儿童在农村成长比在城市成长更好。你同意还是不同意? |
话题类别 |
家庭教育类 |
Task 1 |
图表类型 |
柱状图(动态) |
要素回忆 |
1998年和2008年男女结婚年龄,按年龄段分组。 |
Task 2 |
考试题目 |
It is not necessary for students to go to school because more information is available on the Internet. Do you agree or disagree? |
题目翻译 |
学生不必再去上学,因为网上可以获得更多信息。你同意还是不同意? |
是否旧题 |
同2003年11月22日、2004年1月31日的考题。 |
话题类别 |
教育类 |
写作指导 |
典型的单边支持型题目。先驳斥原因,即网上的信息的确更多,但是缺乏筛选,甚至有很多不良信息。青少年由于缺乏辨别力,因此容易受到这些不良信息误导,有时甚至误入歧途。下面一段驳斥观点,即学生不去上普通学校的危害,如人际交往技能下降(因为缺乏与同龄人的交往),身体素质变差(因为没有体育课且久坐在电脑前),难以形成正确的道德观念(因为没有老师教育学生明辨是非)。 |