小作文:地图题 One university sports centre in 2007 and the present day.
2. 书信无法传递声音,图像。
1. 书信相比手机短信,更能传递感情。那种字里行间流露出的感情要远强于短信中冷冰冰标准化的字。
现代人生活节奏如此之快,这使得我们没有足够的时间同他人联络。因此,一种沟通方式是否能成为我们的“首选”很大程度上取决于它的效率。多亏了现代科技,传统的沟通方式已经简化成“a click of a button”:一个想邀请朋友参加聚会的人不用为书信时间的耽搁感到担忧,一个公务出差的父亲可以通过上网给他的孩子表达爱意。
The tempo of life dictated by a heavy load of work has made it impossible for us to set aside enough time to communicate with others. Hence, whether a means of conveying information will be our first choice is largely determined by its efficiency. Thanks to the improved technology, the traditional way of communication has been simplified into a click of a button. Someone intending to invite his friends for dinner party does not have to bother with the delay caused by letters, and a father on a business trip can show his affections for his children through the Internet.
Ps:期望高分的同学需要注意句式的雕琢,其中一种常见的方法是在主语之后插入定语,使得主谓之间有点距离。 该段落的斜体划线部分属于这种表达。
1 快捷,及时:国际通信,工作效率,家人的联络,
2 节省运输
1 法律,教育等领域,较正式的情形,如录取通知书,起诉书
2 感情的表达更有效
The situation ofcorrespondence nowadays is significantly different from decades ago, when people relied on letter writing. Mobile phones and computers haveenabled individuals to contact anyone in the world immediately without any delay, obviously taking the domination of letters over communication.
The advantages of modern communication technologies are self-evident. The high efficiency and convenience of personal phones and computers fascinates ordinary people, especially parents who would reach their children any time anywhere, employers whodesire higher productivity by immediate communication with their employees and clients whoever aredomestic or overseas, and those working in dangerous domains. In addition, compared with letters transported by air or by train all the way across mountains or rivers and finally delivered to the recipient, talking on cell phone or sending a mobile message is much more economic and environmentally friendly.
However, this does not necessarily mean thedefinite vanishing of traditional way of correspondence. A sophisticated letter presented on a selected piece of paper in an elegant handwriting andenclosed in a beautiful envelope with a memorable stamp attached conveys much more emotional information than an instant message or an email. Actually letters remain popular in legal, educational and some other sector which regards letters as an official and valid form of information transmission. Further, how can the indifference of an email or instant message be compared with the excitement aroused by an admission notice?
In summary, it is true that letter writing has lost its popularity, but it is notdoomed. It is still used in some fields for itsformality and courtesy and carries moreintimate emotions when applied in personal life.In spite of the decreasing practicability, the letter writing skills keep to be valuable in emails and text messages.
1. self-evident 不言自明
2. fascinate 吸引
3. desire 渴望
4. domestic 国内
5. domain 领域
6. recipient 收信人
7. deliver 送达
8. economic 便宜的
9. vanish消失
10. definite 一定
11. correspondence 通信
12. rely on 依赖
13. delay 延迟
14. decade 十年
15. domination 统治
16. enable 使…能够
17. practicability 实用性
18. present 展示
19. elegant 优雅的
20. enclose 装进
21. convey 传达
22. legal 法律的
23. sector 部门
24. regards…as 认为
25. valid 有法律效力的
26. transmission 传递
27. indifference 漠然
28. arouse 激起
29. admission notice 录取通知书
30. popularity 流行
31. doomed 灭亡
32. formality 正式
33. courtesy 礼节
34. intimate 亲密的
35. apply 应用
36. In spite of尽管
37. Sophisticated 精致的