Task1:Line graph,对比4个汽车生产商的生产汽车平均花费时间。
Task2:Some people think that governments should pay for public libraries in every town, while others think it is a waste of money, because we can access information from Internet. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 1月12日的考题实际上是一道07年考过的旧题改装,原题为07Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology is now replacing their functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?只不过这道题目在上述旧题当中,加入了government这个元素,并细化了Internet这个科技因素。实际上的观点仍有很多类似之处。应属于不难的题目。
提纲:Some people think that government should establish free libraries in each town.
1.cultivate interests àthroughout life àcultural quality
2.the poor àexpand the range
Others, however, bevelive that it is a waste of money since they can access the internet at home to obtain information.
1.prevalence of internet __X__ the poor __if__ àpoorer
Eastablishing free libraries in communities tends to be increasingly prevalent in a substantial number of countries. However, while some people believe that it is beneficial to a wide range of people, others contend it is a proposal of sinking money as a result of the popularity of internet at home.
Those who are in favor of the idea that government should set up free libraries in each town may hold this could encourage the general public to read, thereby cultivating people’s reading interests, the youth in particular. Obviously, this is rewarding for people all over the nation to keep learning constantly and the overall cultural quality of the whole country would enhance. Furthermore, a wide range of impoverished poeple who could hardly afford to read will own a higher possibility to access books. This will inevitably help reduce the proportion of illiterates.
On the other hand, an array of others maintain that a significant amount of money will be wasted given each household possesses at least a computer and can freely log on internet to acquire information. But an undeniable fact is that the prevalence of computer and internet could hardly reach such a high level where all people could easily gain information from interne at present. Under this circumstance, barely could the poor change their fate, were the government not to eastablish free libraries and open door of knowledge to the disadvantaged group.
My view is that free libraries should be established in each town, especially those impoverished ones where more than one ought to be funded. Prevalent though internet is, not every household could afford it in a sizable perncentage of areas and therefore free libraries seem the best choice currently.