考试日期 |
2009.08.08 |
图表作文 |
图表种类 |
Line graph(曲线图) |
图表instruction |
The line graph below shows the change in oil production and consumption in china from 1982 to 2006. |
图表要素回忆:一个line graph,两条线,虚线是代表oil production,实线代表oil consumption,都是上升,但是虚线很缓慢,实线比较快,他们以93年为分界,之前是生产的比用的多,后来是用的比生产的多,而且差异越来越大。这个曲线图描写的主要思路是按时间顺序分别描写在这段时间中的纵向变化情况。但要注意,我们还需穿插两个对象的一个横向比较,如交叉值,极值,以及倍数比较等。 |
议论文 |
话题类别 |
科技类 |
考题文字: |
The development of technology changes the way people connect with each other. In which way does the development of technology change the types of relationships among people? Does it have positive or negative effects on the relationships? |
点评: 小作文是曲线,牵涉到纵向比较。学生要掌握横向比较的构思方法,描写的句型词汇,如趋势描写,以及穿插横比的一些表达,如排序,倍数等。此次小作文构思描写都较简单。 大作文为科技类题目,要求阐述其对交流方法的影响是积极还是消极,和之前考过的讨论手机、网络优缺点的题目类似,但问题模式出现了变化。老师需带领学生做好审题,以前各类问题模式所对应的文章结构的练习。 |
考试日期: |
2009.08.08 |
书信作文 |
书信种类 |
邀请信 |
书信instruction |
A public event will be held in your community, and you think your friend will be interested in it. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should say:1). introduce the event;2). why you think your friend will be interested in it;3). when and where to meet each other when attending this event. |
议论文 |
话题类别 |
社会类 |
考题文字 |
Fast food is becoming one part of people’s daily life everywhere, and this has had negative effects on our lifestyles and diet. Do you agree with this statement? |
点评:小作文贴近生活,完成150字难度系数不高,学生要学会适当的imagination的能力。大作文关注社会类快餐问题,对于考G类的考生应该不会陌生。考生平时一定要加强brainstorming 的能力以及文章各种结构的安排。 |