Are you afraid of the dark? If the answer is yes, you might have nyctophobia, the abnormal fear of night or darkness. nyctophobia is the perfect word for anyone who hides under the covers once the lights go out.
Sepulchral refers to anything of or pertaining to burial. Derived from the Latin sepulcralis meaning "to bury in the earth," the term owes its root to the word sepulcher, a tomb or crypt for the dead. Many things can be sepulchral: the deep and hollow tone of a bell, a cold draft of wind that stands your hair on end, even the vacant eyes of the undead.
涉及到于葬礼有关的词都可以用” Sepulchral”这个词。这个词从拉丁语中的’” sepulcralis”发展而来,意思是埋藏在土地中。这个词的词根源自” sepulche “意思是为死亡准备的棺椁。很多东西都可以是阴森森的:深邃空洞的大钟,将头发吹立的狂风,甚至是将死之人空洞的双眼。
When someone goes berserk, he or she becomes crazy, deranged, overtaken by a violent destructive frenzy. From chainsaw-wielding killers to bloodthirsty zombies, berserk is the perfect term to describe the villains of most scary movies. The term originates from Old Norse, a language that evolved from ancient Viking tongues, with bjorn meaning "bear" and serkr meaning "shirt" or "armor." With this etymology in mind, when someone goes berserk, it's as though they've covered up their rational human behavior with the wild aspect of a bear.
如果一个人疯了,神经错乱了,一心只想着暴力的去破坏,那么你就可以用” berserk”这个词去形容他。用个词来形容嗜血的僵尸,挥舞电锯的杀手以及其他电影中的狂徒都是十分恰当的。这个词源自古挪威语,古挪威语是从古老的维京语演化而来的。” bjorn”的意思是”熊”,“serkr”的意思是”衣服”或者“盔甲”。只要记住这个构词法,就会用这个词了,如果有人已经丧失理智,像只熊一样发疯,我们就可以说这个人” berserk”。
Do you spend a lot of time in graveyards? Did most of your friends die before you were born? If so, then you might be poised to write a fantastic thanatopsis. From the Greek thantos meaning "death" and-opsis meaning "a view," a thanatopsis is a written contemplation of death, often in the form of a poem.
你在墓地溜达过吗?在你还没出生之前你的朋友是不是都已经去世了?如果是的话,你就可以写一下你的死亡观了。这个词源自希腊语“ thantos”意思是:死亡。” -opsis ”的意思是,你的看法,” thanatopsis “的意思就是写下你对于死亡的观念。经常以诗歌的形式出现。
In Christian tradition, perdition is the state of final spiritual ruin or eternal damnation to which the wicked are condemned. In other words, it's a way scarier word for hell. The term is derived from the Latin perdere meaning "to lose" or "to ruin." So hold on to your souls, our next word might scare you right out of your skin.
在基督教徒的习惯里,这个词往往用来形容邪恶被召唤时灵魂毁灭的最后阶段和无尽的诅咒。是是一个形容地狱的可怕词汇。这个词从拉丁词” perdere”演变而来,意思是:失去和毁灭。先别怕,下一个词可能会把你吓的灵魂出窍。
When a visit from a ghost sends shivers down your spine, or when a brush with a vampire gives you goose bumps, what are you feeling? Trepidation, of course. Trepidation refers to an experience of fear or alarm that often results in trembling or quivering. The word is derived from two Latin stemstrepidare meaning "to tremble, hurry" and trepidus meaning "alarmed" or "scared." If you plan on feeling trepidation this Halloween, our next word might give you a reason.
当有鬼怪降临的时候你一定会吓的脊背发凉,与吸血鬼插身而过也会让你掉一地鸡皮疙瘩。这是你的反应是什么?用一个很好的词可以形容:Trepidation。Trepidation是指可怕,惊恐的经历所导致的颤抖和战栗。这个词从两个拉丁词发展而来: stemstrepidare ,trepidus 它们的意思分别是:战栗,慌忙和可怕,惊恐。如果你想在这个万圣节感受一下什么叫Trepidation,下一个词会给你一个很好的理由。
We've all heard the word werewolf, but the wolf community much prefers the term lycanthrope. Derived from the Greek lykanthropos meaning "wolf-man,"lycanthrope is defined as "a werewolf or alien spirit in the physical form of a bloodthirsty wolf." Though the word is used primarily in the occult, there is an actual psychiatric condition called lycanthropy, in which a person believes that he or she is a wolf.
提到狼人我们也许会想到werewolf这个词,但是狼圈的人很喜欢称狼人为” lycanthrope.”这个词源自希腊语” lykanthropos”,它的意思就是狼人。狼人是指一个凶狠的灵魂被困在嗜血如命的恶狼体内。尽管这个词主要出现在超自然学中,但是在神经学上确实有一种情况被称之为变狼狂。变狼狂们会认为自己就是一条狼.